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manifestation Tag

Mind KEY / Posts tagged "manifestation"
Summer Solstice rituals

Nourish your soul with these six Summer Solstice rituals

By: Cris McCullough What is the Summer Solstice? The word “solstice” comes from Latin solstitium—from sol (Sun) and stitium (still or stopped). Summer Solstice is an astronomical event occurring yearly when the Sun reaches its northernmost point in the sky and  does not change for a brief period of time. After the solstice, the Sun appears to reverse course and head back in the opposite direction. For a time, the sun appears to stand still! Mother Earth is at the height of her magic during the Summer Solstice. You can celebrate this special day with simple Summer Solstice rituals. The timing of the June solstice is not based on a specific calendar date or time; it all depends on when the Sun reaches its northernmost point from...

Bloom into a career change

Discover what’s possible with a successful career shift

By Joseph Gonzalez Your job should be something you enjoy. If you’re someone that works full-time, 40 hours a week, it’s not ideal or healthy to be looking at the clock every 5 minutes, constantly wondering when it’s 5 p.m. Unfortunately, this seems to be reality for a lot of people. According to a Gallup world poll, only 15% of people worldwide feel “engaged” at their job.  If you’re one of the many people that feel either unhappy or dissatisfied with work, and you’ve exhausted the possibilities within your current employment, perhaps it’s time to consider the first steps of a career change. The paradigm is shifting, and while it was once considered career suicide to shift jobs midway through your journey, today that’s no longer...

healthy relationship with exercise

Relationship with exercise = relationship with self

by Dana Chapman, The Diet Recovery Coach The word “exercise” is a loaded one that comes with a lot of emotional baggage. This is especially true when exercise is associated purely with weight loss efforts and goals. When you think you "should" exercise, a funny thing happens. You start to dread it, then you are far less likely to actually do it. Which is the opposite result of what you are going for. Today I want to show you another relationship with exercise, and a more freeing way to look at it. Healthy exercise motivation, step-by-step Here's a step-by-step process to get you started on building (or rebuilding) a healthier relationship with exercise, movement and your body…Even if you have had a tumultuous relationship with it for years. If...

Imagery with art and words: Building a creative meditation practice

By Kathy Mack, "wholistic" life coach and expressive art therapist Humans are wired for connection and community, but maintaining safety and survival has often meant foregoing these in the past 24 or more months. Given the acute challenges of modern times, many of us have had to make compensations and choices to survive differently during the pandemic. There is a need to renew and reconnect, but how to begin? Building a creative meditation practice is a tool renewal during difficult times. Learn how this simple and creative act can reconnect us with ourselves, our community, and even our inner circle. Creative meditation practice for renewal during difficult times Times of stress, fear, lack of connection, or count-on-able norms and routines that fall away pretty much summarizes our living...

Renewal reading for transformation

Spring into the season with deep transformation

Each season offers a chance to shift and change. Seasonal readings are one way to energetically and spiritually connect with what’s happening in our environment, the world at large, and the universe as a whole. Each issue, The Daily Key will bring you an energetic reading to help you align with the coming season. This spring renewal reading for transformation explores indicators beyond those typical of change. It encourages us to recognize the signs of deep transfiguration and asks that we focus on what’s happening internally. Our personal energy is, after all, a microcosm for the changes happening in the macrocosm of our lives.  Renewal reading for transformation This spring’s reading discusses how our personal energies align with what’s happening in our environments. The card pulled was...

Seasonal tips to thrive this holiday

Thriving through the holidays: Tips for a well-balanced holiday season

by Cris McCullough & the Mind Key Editor Team We have all survived a year filled with challenges and now another challenge looms...

Find a happy and productive life by ignoring the unimportant and focusing on the important tasks.

Focus not Multitasking: the key to joyful productivity

by Dawn Goodman Is focus the key to a happy and productive life? Some say the ability to focus on what is important and follow one task, one goal or one vision to completion, is the key to personal and professional success. In today’s knowledge economy, where information is currency, focus has become even more valuable than intelligence. While it may not be possible to increase your innate I.Q.,  you can learn to cultivate mental strength and train your brain to focus. Deep thinking, a byproduct of focus, is what allows for creativity, problem-solving and learning. But focus requires undivided attention, which in today’s multimedia, multi-screen, multitasking world is hard to come by without—well—without focusing on it.   Is multitasking possible? Research has shown that multitasking is scientifically impossible...

One tip for overcoming heartbreak is to sing and dance the hurt away

Three tips for overcoming heartbreak, fast

by Danielle Rose Heartbreak hurts! Overcoming heartbreak hurts more. Sometimes gaining the perspective you need to move past your ex isn’t so simple. It can be so easy to want to ignore the pain, the hurt, to forget that part of your life as if it didn’t exist. Sometimes we make bad choices when our hearts are broken because it feels better to do something that feels good in the moment, rather than feel the hurt for one second longer. However, clearing the hurt rather than shoving it down will help you grow into the person you’re meant to be so that you can find the partner meant for you. Here, we offer our three best tips that you can use right now for overcoming heartbreak...

lifelong learning comes in many forms

In this issue: An introduction to Lifelong learner

By Catherine Minto Over the duration of our lives, we come to know what we know through the pursuit of applied academia, or the raw experience of our personal journey through life. We learn through trials, tribulations, and triumphs. Failures teaches us as much, if not more than our successes.  Lifelong learning guides us through the endless undulations of the experience that is life. One of the greatest advantages of living in this age is our ability to access and absorb millions of volumes of information. We can gobble it up and literally run with it in our pockets. Being a lifelong learner is so much more than information, however. It’s a free-spirited journey of the soul to remember that life is short, but that we...

cancer moon at the end of 2018 means its time for shadow work

Celebrate your hard work and honor its fruits in 2019

by Seshat Clairvoyant The holidays are here, and yet it feels like only yesterday we were ringing in the new year. How is it possible 2018 is almost over? This has certainly been a year to remember as many people went through huge changes. Many of us are happy to the see the end of 2018. Yes, it’s good to be hopeful for the new year but we must remember that 2018 is an eleven number year in numerology (2+0+1+8=11). Eleven years mean a lot of self work. We are in a shadow period of our individual work, healing and realization. Depending on how you viewed this year it will set the pace for 2019, which is a three year in numerology (2+0+1+9=12 / 1+2=3)....

Holistic consultant helps you discover the best resources for health, business and life.

Your right to health, happiness and success

By Joseph Gonzalez What are your 2019 goals? Whether you’re seeking to improve your health and feel better, bring your business or career to the next level, or simply refocus the next step of your life, Mind Key is here to support you. We believe everyone has the right to health, happiness and success. We also believe that these integral elements of humanity do not exist in isolation, but are intricately and delicately connected. That’s why we offer numerous ways to help you discover and understand the best resources for your body, business and life. Not only that, but we trust your inner guidance system, and want to help you hone it so that you are better equipped to determine which resources are worth your time...

Winter solstice ritual celebrations bring us back to our natural rhythms

Celebrate winter solstice with ritual

by Cris McCullough, MA We live at a delicate and dangerous time in history. We are threatened by the accelerating erosion of culture, a crisis of change brought on by our own lifestyles, values and technology. Now more than ever we need cultural forms that assist us in celebrating life in all its diversity, amidst suffering and the day-to-day grind. Historically, the celebration of the continuance of life around the Wheel of the Year served that purpose for communities cross-culturally.  By seasonally aligning themselves with the grander rhythms of Mother Earth, people from every culture renewed their connection and inter-relatedness to their world and to each other. The celebration of Winter Solstice is one such festival. Especially in northern locales, humans throughout time have awaited the...

Fearless friendships enrich everyday life and encourage us to embrace ourselves fully.

Built to last: The fearless life of a beautiful tribe

By Theresa Birmingham   Fearless friendships enrich everyday life and encourage us to embrace ourselves fully. In the very modified words of Jane Austen, “It is a truth universally acknowledged, that an individual in search of a tribe is inevitably seeking long-lasting relationships that enrich, excite, temper, and lift them up.” Fearless friendships are those we’ve cultivated from being ourselves, and not having to fear the judgments of others.   Overcoming relationship fears Where does our fear of relationships come from? Here are some common fears when it comes to relationships and furthering our tribe connections. The unknown  Sometimes, our fear is the result of newness. We don’t know where we stand with these new friendships we’re building. Instead, we tend to better understand who we are alone—our Netflix-loving, silent-hiking, solo-traveling,...

June unearths fearlessness

June Astrological Report: Finding courage

By Seshat Clairvoyant   Happy Summer days are almost here This month’s astrological forecast shows that June unearths fearlessness, and we embark on the journey of finding courage. The days are longer and warmer now, and the nights seem endless. It’s time to hit the waves, go sightseeing, and get active once again. Forget staying inside doing tedious work. Now is the time to travel and do all the fun things you have been daydreaming about on those long cold days and nights. Spring has also brought us rain, which kept us indoors. We have been stir crazy, and full of energy for those long-awaited summer days.   June unearths fearlessness All those daydreams are screaming to get things moving. As a result, you may be acting quite erratic—doing things out...

Tribe friendships nurture generativity and further promote our foundation for passion and legacy.

Six ways your tribe supports your legacy

This is part two of the third article in a series of six on how to build your tribe and includes a discussion on how to find your guy or gal pals, and how to go deeper with yourself and become more vulnerable. Each article will focus on a different area of friendship and intimacy in order to not only build that tribe, but to create long-lasting bonds that transcend a game night. You can’t pick your family, but you can pick your friends and the best kind of friend is the one who becomes family. You can find part one here.   By Theresa Birmingham   Erikson, your tribe, and finding your passion Tribe friendships nurture generativity and help build our legacy, as we learned in part one of...

Your tribe, your legacy

This is part one of the third article in a series of six on how to build your tribe and includes a discussion on how to find your guy or gal pals, and how to go deeper with yourself and become more vulnerable. Each article will focus on a different area of friendship and intimacy in order to not only build that tribe but to create long-lasting bonds that transcend a game night. You can’t pick your family, but you can pick your friends and the best kind of friend is the one who becomes family. You can find part two here.   By Theresa Birmingham   Strong tribe friendships foster generativity and promote passion and purpose. Without our need for generativity, we would be aimless. The term, generativity,...

Dive into our May astrological forecast to find out how passion can rule in your life this month!

May: A month of passion

By Seshat Clairvoyant Our May astrological forecast is predicting: Passion. The winter was a long one full of challenges, obstacles and surprises we were not expecting. In truth, we knew deep down inside these changes were happening and are still happening. We are still reeling from April’s energy, which is nothing short of surprises. If you read last month’s forecast, you know exactly what I am talking about. Some of us experienced hit after hit in home and career. Some faced issues from the past, while others have been working through trauma. Some faltered while Mercury was retrograding through Aries. April was no joke, and I know you are hoping May will bring some blessings, and even a break in the intense energy. We are now five...

Relationships give us power and help us discover new focus.

Building your tribe: How your crew can help you discover new focus

By Theresa Birmingham The need to discover new focus can be a difficult task to take on by yourself. But with good friends—whether time-tested or just starting out—you can successfully navigate the waters of life.   Discover new focus in your tribe It’s been a long week. So long. Too long. Sometimes exhausting. And when you’re exhausted, you might be the tearful exhausted. Or maybe you’re the angry exhausted. Or maybe you just detach from the world entirely. Because of that exhaustion, you just can’t seem to focus. That dream you have, or that task you need to complete, falls to the wayside. You can’t seem to get to where your heart and mind need to be to get stuff done. Enter your tribe and their inevitable shenanigans. Whether you’re...

Focus on your inner awareness using the physical with soft eyes.

Using your Soft Eyes: Envision the big picture and find your center

By Vera Remes Focus, focus, focus—or maybe not When it comes to focus, inner awareness is essential. As a follower of horse trainers Sally Swift, Ray Hunt and Tom Dorrance, I am familiar with the principles of grounding, centering, breathing and “soft eyes.”  Sally Swift describes the essentials of soft eyes in her book Centered Riding as “wide-open eyes and peripheral awareness, awareness of your entire field of vision and feeling sensations from within.” Grounding, breathing and centering can relate to meditation and other metaphysical pursuits. I use those principles in Reiki, energy healing and my everyday life, but I never thought of using “soft eyes” in the same way. Now I have.  Using soft eyes in life may be antithetical to the typical advice given for success—to focus, focus,...

Hone your focus; April astrological focus

April: A month of energy and a time to refocus

By Seshat Clairvoyant Our April astrological focus finds us highly energized. With the arrival of April, there is also a shock and energy that none of us know where to focus. Our attention last month was captured by so many different things happening that we’re wondering what to do next. Should we run and never stop? Should we disappear altogether? Perhaps we should just remain quiet and let this month happen without saying anything? Yet, the truth of the matter is, we have to deal with whatever shock was delivered to us in March. We can’t run and hide. We can’t disappear, and of course, we cannot remain silent. Remember we are still in retrograde energy this month. Two more planets will be retrograding this month...

inward focus is key; outward focus is the door

Learning to focus on that which best serves

New life and reflection Spring is a beautiful time of growth, inward focus, new life and reflection. There’s a reason we often participate in spring cleaning—the harsh winter is behind us. With the sun and sprouting life comes the desire for a fresh, clean start. With this new start, we allow ourselves the optimum opportunity and setting to enjoy the welcomed season. Spring also allows us to reflect on so many areas of our life. If we are wise, we can use this time to look inward and do a self-spring clean. We can rid ourselves of the habits, attitudes and relationships that are as harsh or unwelcome as the desolation of winter. By turning our focus to the important and beautiful things in life, we...

Meditation for letting go of unhealthy ego and embracing the call of our spirit so we can find light.

Let go of ego and embrace peace and light: A meditation

By Kathleen Santora This meditation for letting go of unhealthy ego helps us accumulate more peace and light and attain a healthy balanced ego. Balance is the keyword when examining the essential element of the ego. When we focus on spirit, we can accept the light that we are asking for from this meditation and the universe. Meditation Light is ahead; darkness is behind.  Light is ahead of me; darkness is behind me.  I will forget my troubles and walk toward the light, leaving my darkness behind my thoughts. Disengage your thoughts from the system in order to accomplish your spiritual goals by changing the spiritual behavior of your mind with your conscious mind.  Letting go of ego, going deeper on a daily practice level of thoughts. If you...

Who do I listen to in here?

In this article, Wendy Watson-Hallowell, The Belief Coach, explores how our inner voices can often offer conflicting views. Our inner voices being what drives us toward action and growth. Indecision and goals become intertwined in a quagmire of stuck-ness when our inner compass is out-of-whack in this way. This is often compounded by the very human desire to find answers outside of the self. However, our intuition, inner child and ego have all the answers we need. Bringing these very different, yet ultimately self-serving voices into alignment can help us better understand our path. This can also show us to achieve our wellness and success goals.   By Wendy Watson-Hallowell   We each have a variety of voices inside our minds that take different positions and drive us toward...

Kely Luzio-Cardona

God’s Greatest Gifts Are Unanswered Prayers: How perspective changes everything

by Vera Remes What is your perspective on the New Year? Are you feeling positive, or are you needing to find a positive perspective for a seemingly negative situation?  Even if you are welcoming the opportunity to improve in 2018, are you feeling that 2017 was less than satisfying? Have you made a resolution for 2018 that reads well but seems unreachable?  Perhaps you are being affected by the winter blues. Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) is real, even if I myself have trouble understanding it. I welcome the short, darker days of winter as a change from the longer sunbaked days of summer. For me, snow and freezing temperatures as a cleanser for the earth to get it ready for spring. I want to live where...

Practicing gratitude as a way to heal, grow and manifest

By Oneyda Salazar As doable as it may seem to practice gratitude, it can be difficult to instill in your day-to-day life. The word gratitude is considered a noun because the intent behind the word is to be in that state of mind. In order to show gratitude, one must apply it as an action. You can't simply be "grateful" without incorporating gratitude into your behavior. Once you practice gratitude more regularly, you will notice how much you appreciate a lot of things in life. This includes very negative moments, sometimes also known as lessons...

Watch your wishes come true with tested techniques

By Vera Remes   You can make your wishes come true in plenty of different ways. Techniques to grant wishes vary from the Silva Method’s Glass Water Technique to understanding right and left brained thinking. If you’ll like to know more about the creativity of wishing, read Don’t let manifesting get in the way of wishing.   The Glass Water Technique   The Glass Water Technique, part of something known as Dream Programing, reminds me of the experiments of Dr. Masaru Emoto where he used positive words and negative words to affect the formation of ice crystals. You pick a problem, like how to figure out why your printer won’t work. Then, just before bed, drink half of a glass of water while thinking, “This is all that is required to find...

Believing with The Belief Coach

By Barbara Steingas This month, I had the pleasure of a complimentary belief coaching session with The Belief Coach, Wendy Watson-Hallowell. I choose her service for my wishlist because changing your beliefs are the foundation of our successes and failures. Henry Ford said, “Whether you think you can or whether you think you can’t, either way you’re right.” Changing beliefs that are no longer working can help you get unstuck, or achieve your next goal.  We all have blind spots of beliefs that keep us from accomplishing our goals and that sabotage our success. Wendy could help me uncover some underlying limiting beliefs that hold me back from more success with my practice. If I could do this, then I could help more people who I’m here to...

July’s Wrap-up on Manifestation

Hello! Mind Key’s month of Manifestation has come to an end and that means… it’s time for a wrap-up!   This July, our writers at Mind Key have explored a variety topics on Manifesting. Advice was shared on manifesting the things (and even people) you most desire into your life, excellent services were offered, and you might’ve walk away with a new, hopefully positive, mindset!   Vera Remes started us off with a great article that explains the science of manifestation, also known as the Law of Attraction. She takes us deep into how Quantum Therapy best supports our ability to get the things we want.    If you’re not too into the science talk, no worries! We also have an article by Lizbeth Fabian that explains how meditation can positively change your...

It’s about creating time, not making time

By Joseph Gonzalez   Life can be easier when taking things one step at a time. But sometimes, we tend to bite off more than we can chew, and this can get in the way of doing what we love. Most of us tend to have busy lives, and it could be difficult to do what we love amid that chaos. Despite this, it’s crucial to keep in mind that it’s not a matter of finding time, it’s about creating time. It’s normal to realize you won’t be able to get to what you love to do immediately. That screenplay you’ve been wanting to write could be perpetually on the shelf because of your job, spouse, kids, and other engagements. It could be months before you are able...

Manifesting your career with Mind Key

Are you seeking to boost your exposure as a professional?   Writing is one of the most powerful ways to get the word out about what you do. It will help people find you online, and brand yourself locally and globally. Whether your chosen path is writing, or something completely different, a professional writing course will benefit you. It's a great way to take the knowledge and interests you already have and manifest them into regular income—while at the same time offering your career and your brand serious credibility.   Everyone from fiction writers to health care practitioners can benefit from publication. In fact, whether or not you're a writer, we’ve found that publication is the fast-track to manifesting the career of your dreams. Unfortunately, writing about what you know and throwing...

Tips for battling anxiety and negative self talk

By Maria Reyes Our thoughts are very powerful.  “Thoughts become things,” according to Mike Dooley, New York Times Bestselling author, speaker and entrepreneur in the philosophical New Thought movement.  What we believe, we conceive.  Negative self-talk come from scripts or beliefs that we heard when we were growing up from teachers, parents, peers and society in general.  Not only that, but is the number one factor that undermines the process of manifestation and makes bringing the peace, ease and adventure we seek so difficult.   Mistaken beliefs and negative self talk Mistaken beliefs are the root of anxiety and keep us from reaching our goals in life.  We need to let go of these false beliefs, and by practicing the exercises below, we can battle anxiety and have less stress...

Manifesting Mr. Right

by Barbara Steingas, Inspirational Author/Speaker & Radiant Life Coach   On New Year’s Eve over thirty years ago, I inadvertently discovered the power of manifesting a perfect partner into my life. Prior to that I was just running on autopilot. I wasn’t steering my ship, so to speak. I was just hoping I would meet the right person to spend my life with.   Also, I was only looking at the superficial aspects of physical and emotional attraction, and not the bigger picture, like do we have the same goals and wants so that we may grow together in the same direction.   Beyond the Physical In the beginning of relationships, the aspects of physical attraction and lust take over and make us feel great. Once that initial phase wears off, whatever's left...

May is for Manifestation – Bring on the Positivty

If you look up the term manifestation in the dictionary, the definition that most resembles what we're talking about this month is: "an event, action, or object that clearly shows or embodies something, especially a theory or an abstract idea." Manifestation within your life can mean something as simple as finding a twenty dollar bill on your afternoon walk when you need money.  Something as complex as calling a new relationship into your life.   Even balance can manifest itself in your life. Positivity is a powerful tool and the basis of positive manifestation.  When you believe you can have something and invite it into your life, there's a chance that you can manifest it.  Conversely, negativity and self effacing thoughts can force what you purport to want away...

Overcoming vulnerability through art and finding your happiness

Creativity: The Art of Happy

By Amanda Hollenbeck Vulnerability is not a feeling people tend to view positively. Typically, vulnerability is related to the pain after a heartbreak, the tears after a death, or to the shame after a failure. Overcoming vulnerability tends to become a focus on the end result, rather than the journey. However, it’s impossible to find happiness without being vulnerable enough to take chances to create that happiness.   The consequences of numbing vulnerability In her 2012 TEDx talk in Houston, Brene Brown, a research professor at the University of Houston Graduate College of Social Work, states that people attempt to numb vulnerability because it has been largely tied to this idea of pain, of being in debt, of having obesity, of being addicted, or of being heavily medicated. Completely omitting...

Self renew by trying shamanism

Can’t Afford a Vacation? Self renew with shamanism

by Vera Remes When I hear the word renewal, I picture a battery-operated toy running out of juice, and the batteries being recharged or replaced so it continue on its way.  For some people a massage offers a renewal, for others it’s a good night sleep. I have felt re-charged, renewed, after a Caribbean vacation.   What if we could renew ourselves whenever we felt we needed it? I haven’t had a vacation or massage in years.  I think I figured out how to self renew without even knowing it.     Everything is energy and energy is everything. With his famous equation E= mc2, Albert Einstein proved that, when you come right down to it, everything in the universe is energy. Both the physical reality of matter, and...

positivity is all attitude

Changing your relationship with the world: The Power of Positivity

by Paola Scaduto, Mind Key intern and Fall 2016 graduate of William Paterson University, N.J. Are you happy? Do you have good energy around you and do positive situations occur for you? Are you depressed? Do you feel like your negative feelings might result in negative situations? Positivity is important for not only us, but for those around us. Self-help gurus talk about manifestation In his book, “The Light in the Heart,” Roy T. Bennett writes, “The more you feed your mind with positive thoughts, the more you can attract great things in your life.” Barbara Frederickson writes in her landmark paper that negative emotions are when extreme, prolonged or contextually inappropriate behaviors, “produce many grave problems for individuals and society, ranging from phobias and anxiety disorders, aggression and...

Rock Your Year with Taraleigh the manifesting unicorn

Taraleigh Weathers is a manifesting unicorn! I didn’t know what that meant, either, until I took her four week manifestation course.  Taraleigh speaks with authority and clarity, offering real-time, realistic tools for creating what you want in your life.  During her Manifesting Unicorns course, I watched the dreams of the course’s other participants unfold, and watched myself lay the groundwork for Mind Key’s next adventure.  Now Taraleigh is offering her next course, “Rock Your Year,” to help you attain all of your New Year’s dreams. Don’t have time for another “course?”  The best part about taking strides toward your goals is that the more you do, the more time seems to be available to do it.  That’s because the universe believes in you, and believes in your...

The Mind Key Writing Team

I wanted to take a moment to talk about the Mind Key writing team.Many of you have been wondering why we’ve been focused on writing games, contests, and stories.  What does this have to do with healing, or discovering my personal path, you ask?It’s a good question.  And luckily I have an answer for you.Writers and artists are the distillers and the synthesizers of information.  Whether through painting, Brian Froud's "The Piper"music, dance, or the written word, we take the information in our brains, the energy and emotions that affect our bodies and our souls, and we translate them into material that makes sense to the rest of humanity.  This creative ability is something we all possess, but we express it differently.  In other words,...

Why I’m having such a good time this April

Writing has always been my expression and release.  Even more than that, it acts as a form of manifestation.  I remember being in my twenties, reading through stories I wrote in high school and college featuring heroines with attributes I could only wish for… and discovered that I had become those women.  Later in life I wrote and recognized that my angels and guides were speaking to me, quite clearly, through the “fictional” words I wrote. Today, as a mother of two young girls, a freelance journalist, and the founder of this fledgling community, I struggle with writing - specifically with writing for myself.  There rarely seems the time to do it, and when the time is there, my energy (creative or otherwise) is low. ...

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