Nourish health, happiness, sustainability and success
There is time to encourage new ideas, activities, thoughts and creations as we rest from our labors. When something courishes you, it increases your prana or life force. Nourishment goes beyond mere sustenance, to nourish is to provide the necessary nutrients, energy and love needed to thrive and grow. In this issue of the Daily Key, we will learn to nourish health, happiness, sustainability and success.
One cannot think of Summer without the idea of this issue’s theme of Nourish. The abundance of the gifts of the Earth invariably feeds our senses on all levels. The rays of the sun warm us, encouraging us to engage more intimately with our surroundings. We plan our vacations and family outings physically engaging with our ecology… whether relaxing on a beach, hiking forest trails, or working in our gardens. The seeds planted in Spring now begin to come to fruition to delight our palates. We hold celebrations, from graduations and weddings, to backyard family cookouts.
We nourish our minds by reading a good book or discovering a new recipe. We nourish our bodies by learning a new skill like Yoga or mindfulness. We nourish our curiosity by visiting new places or learning new information. There is time to encourage new ideas, activities, thoughts and creations as we rest from our labors.
Defining NOURISH
Merriam-Webster defines “nourish” in this way:
1: to nurture or to rear/raise or cultivate
2: to promote the growth of or to incubate
3: to furnish or sustain with nutriment: feed
4: to maintain support and advance
In this issue: Nourish health, happiness and success
Traditionally, the first day of Summer falls on the Summer Solstice, an astrological occurrence marked by the longest day and the shortest night of the year. In this issue we will share 6 ways to celebrate the joys of Summer. In this issue you will also learn how Milk Thistle can become nourishing food, for humans as well as bees.Or learn how to nourish nature through the art of Bonsai. You can nourish your curiosity by delving into the possibilities of Past Lives with our review of a new book called “Autobiographies” or by exploring the history of Juneteenth. You can find ways to nourish your body, mind and spirit by taking 30 minutes to energize with Yoga or learning about the benefits of natural sunscreen. So kick back, relax and bask in the warmth of family, camaraderie, discovery and sun.
Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get notified of new articles, and check back here at the end of the month to see links to all of our NOURISH issue articles.
With many thanks to our sponsors: Mind Key Business Services.
- TOC: Nourish Issue of The Daily Key
- What is Juneteenth and why is it important?
- Nourish your soul with these six Summer Solstice rituals
- Summer reading: Nourishment for mind and soul
- Yoga to Increase Energy: 30 minutes of vinyasa, pranayama & mudra
- Healthy and all-natural sunscreen options
- Milkweed: A Source of Nourishment for Pollinators, Monarchs, and Humans
- Tips to support gut health and easily boost your mood
- 7 Non-body self-care practices that can totally reset your mood
- Explore the benefits of adopting two kittens
- Replenish yourself with things to do in the Hudson Valley
- Live music for health: how dancing and live events can boost your mental health
- Need a break from your screen? Try one of these simple practices for digital detox
- Struggling with work-life balance? A downshifting lifestyle might be your answer
- Back to the Future: A review of “My Autobiographies” by John Koenig
- Nourishing nature and Bonsai at the National Arboretum
- Create simple, stylish outfits with these six fashion staples
- Nourishing the next generation of creators: an interview with Wayne Quakenbush
- The energy of the Sun; solar power is a choice