RENEWAL Issue of The Daily Key
by The Mind Key Editorial Team
Spring is invariably coupled with the idea of this issue’s theme of Renewal. Each spring, harbingers of growth and birth appear across the earth, and ecology grabs our attention. We renew promises to ourselves to stick with the diet, or get out and exercise more or make other improvements in our bodies and our environment as a whole. Our issue’s theme of spring renewal for health and success means it’s never too late to start fresh and make major, or even minor changes in your life. Renewing yourself can be as simple as trying something new or visiting new places; the main idea is to prioritize your well being. These little actions can become bigger steps in growth and renewal for health and success.
Defining RENEWAL
Merriam-Webster defines “renewal” in several steps:
1: the act or process of renewing: repetition.
2: the quality or state of being renewed,
4: something used for renewing (an expenditure that betters existing fixed assets),
5: the rebuilding of a large area (as of a city) by a public authority.
One of the first thoughts in connecting the idea of renewal with the Mind Key tenet of sustainability is the idea of “Refuse, Reduce, Reuse, Repurpose & Recycle.” Three of those terms represent a repetition of use. Two of our spring sponsors, Bountiful and The Farm at Ketchikan represent a shift toward sustainability, not only in the environment, but within our local communities by reducing and “reusing” waste, repurposing knowledge as well as items, and refusing waste by saying yes to sustainable, affordable, locally grown produce.
Spring is invariably coupled with the idea of this issue’s theme of Renewal. Renewing yourself can be as simple as trying something new or visiting new places; the main idea is to prioritize your well being. These little actions can become bigger steps in growing and birthing the next new version of self.
Renewal for health and success: Why spring?
Something amazing happens as the air warms, the first buds appear and plants burst into flower. As sap rises in a tree, so does our vim, vigor and desire to refresh, renew and grow ourselves. We have an opportunity to “get it right,” to hit “reset,” to try again and be better than we were.
Spring is the perfect time for renewal. The first of the year is when we create resolutions for a “newer better you.” Spring is when these intentions become sustainable: either because we’ve been working on our resolutions for several months at this point, or because the energy of the season incites and excites us into renewing our intentions.
For a mental renewal, we become prepared to tackle new ideas and perspectives in a different way. We vow to “take out the mental trash” and let go of old baggage. We are inspired to seek love, or renew vows within relationships of all kinds. More weddings take place in the spring than any other time of the year. Friends reach out to make plans for warmer weather.
Physically, people begin to put into play the physical resolutions of New Years. There are a large number of 5k runs that happen each spring because with warmer weather comes the desire to be outside and to improve one’s physical condition in conjunction with nature.
Creatively, spring gives us a boost of energy to get back outside, or start up new projects. Sustainably, people seek new ways to do more, to help the environment and to connect to local communities for support. What better metaphor for these shifts than the Spring Equinox, where day and night are equal, poised on a cusp of possibility. This is really the New Year!
What to expect in RENEWAL
In this issue, we’ll cover the concept of renewal for health and success with information on how to renew after a workout, a recipe for healthy, homemade root beer and suggestions for springtime self-care. We’ll offer suggestions for getting active and being creative with things to do in Hudson Valley, a spotlight on Marley Bridges Theatre Company and the Storm King Art Center. We even share a form of meditation in nature using art and words.
We’ll also get outside with articles on partnering with nature, an herbalist’s understanding of how our bodies are a microcosm of nature, and a Rhode Island movement for getting kids outside. Finally, we’ll share more on how Bountiful and The Farm at Ketchikan are gearing up to make big food source changes in a small community within the middle of a food desert.
Sign up for our weekly newsletter to get notified of new articles, and check back here at the end of the month to see links to all of our RENEWAL issue articles.
With many thanks to our sponsors: Bountiful, The Farm at Ketchikan and Mind Key Business Services.
- TOC: RENEWAL Issue of The Daily Key
- Spring into deep transformation: A spring equinox reading
- Celebrate spring with a labyrinth ritual walk
- Artists Supporting Clean Ocean Access opening reception
- Athlete recovery methods help with training without injury
- Walking the labyrinth for stress reduction
- Daffodils for Brighter Days
- Hudson Valley things to do
- A kinder and more compassionate you
- Springtime self-care: Balancing your priorities
- Support your adrenals to combat stress
- How to make natural Root Beer
- Your body is nature: a guide to connecting with nature wherever you live
- Making the move to pesticide-free
- Hacks to reintegrate into life post-pandemic
- Use nature to combat covid stress syndrome
- Imagery with art and words: Building a creative meditation practice
- A hidden Hudson Valley gem: Storm King Art Center
- Collaborating with nature for a healthy Earth
- Murder, mystery and mayhem in Newport, RI
- Beltaine and Arbor Day: Celebration of Earth in bloom