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Support your adrenals to combat stress

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support your adrenals
Find ways to combat stress Jared Rice

Support your adrenals to combat stress

It would not be an understatement to say that a majority of us have lived with some form of stress over the last two years. As Dr. Gary Kracoff notes in his article on how renew with adrenal support, short term stress is ok. Our “fight or flight” response kicks in; we handle what faces us and generally move on. But long term, constant stress is another story. It takes a toll on our emotional and physical bodies to our overall detriment. With this issue focusing on Renewal, it’s crucial to have methods available to combat stress, especially if they’re methods you’ve never even heard of. In this article from Natural Awakenings Boston, Dr. Kracoff offers tips for recovering our overall health through the support of our adrenal glands, our first line of defense against stress.

Renew with adrenal support

by Dr. Gary Kracoff

We were designed to deal with extreme stress for short periods. This is our fight or flight response. It is a healthy response to stress and helps one deal with stress. The problem arises when we are stressed for long periods of time. Addressing the causes of stress, eating healthy food and having a healthy lifestyle are essential for good health and the ability to deal with stress. It is possible to renew with adrenal support.

Our adrenals are responsible for our fight or flight response, survival and for our basic needs such as digestion, elimination, repair, sleep and energy production. Sometimes, the adrenal glands need some support to get recharged and back to a healthy state after months or years of being overworked. Chronic stress can wear them down. When we experience long-term stress, the adrenals are over-worked and eventually get “tired.”  We can prevent this from occurring in a number of different ways, including simple tests, glandular support, and a number of different herbs and nutrients such as…

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