February’s Issue–Relationships: from business to love, and everything in between
Social interaction is a basic and essential human connection. Building healthy and productive relationships helps us in every aspect of our lives.
What can we do when we can’t seem to connect with others on the levels we desire? How do negative connections affect our physical, mental, and emotional well-being? Enter our theme for February — Relationships.

Photo Courtesy of Charla Dury
Relationships come in all shapes and sizes…
From coworkers, our kids’ teachers, spouses, relatives, and even those we meet briefly at the store… The relationships we build represent the foundation of who we are. They also help to build who we become. They are created with complex and intricate care, or sometimes lack thereof. The way we interact with one another sets the tone for our days and, inevitably, the way we live our lives.
In this issue

Photo courtesy of JoAnna Schillaci
This month will focus on several different types of connections. Business partnerships, no matter how “professional,” can affect us personally. We offer advice on the art of networking and concrete tips on managing co-workers who may be tough to get along with.
In honor of everyone’s favorite Hallmark holiday, we will of course touch on romance–what can make or break a relationship.
Romantic relationships affect us in the long term. It’s important to realize what we’ve learned from them.
We will also explore the relationship-with-self. By taking a grip on our own interpersonal skills, we set examples and lead others in stronger, more positive relationships. This is the best way to teach our children to cope with difficult people in their lives, whether bullies or friends
Nurture connections with those who pursue similar dreams. Mind Key is a resource for networking with people pursuing the same goals. In this issue, and always, we offer advice, support, guidance, and success.