Don’t lose sleep this holiday: Nutrients for better sleep
Sleep disorders go beyond just insomnia. They can encompass any number of conditions, including oversleeping. The stress of the holidays can sometimes add to sleep issues, only compounding stress and reducing immunity, continuing the sleep dysfunction cycle. The good news is that there are plenty of nutrients that can improve sleep naturally. A Market of Newport, Rhode Island’s “Natural Insights for Well-Being” newsletter references The Journal of Nutrition 2021 article for some easily found alternatives for better sleep.
What are sleep disorders?
There are many, but the four most common are insomnia, sleep apnea (a temporary halt to breathing), irregular sleep-wake cycles and restless leg syndrome. Doctors also consider a sleep disorder regularly getting more than nine, or less than seven hours of sleep a night. Compared to those without sleep disorders, those with sleep disorders tended to be older, be smokers, have depressive symptoms, be diabetic, and consume more alcohol and caffeine. Omega-6:3 ratio may also predict disturbed sleep.
Nutrients help rebalance and improve sleep
Vitamin D and melatonin can help improve sleep in children and adults. Vitamin D is key to daytime wakefulness. Children who are often sleepy during the day may have excessive daytime sleepiness (EDS), and Vitamin D and exercise can help. For those reporting sleep disorders only, those taking melatonin saw a 3.2 percent improvement in sleep-quality scores. Doctors reviewed six melatonin studies on cancer patients, who took doses ranging from … CONTINUE READING….
Find Nutrients to sleep better
Visit A Market in Newport RI and Manchester, NH for nutrients for better sleep, organic food, and more.