Replenish your energy and thrive with this guided cord cutting meditation
by Sierra Vandervort
Do you need a bit of rest? Maybe you feel as if you’re giving so much energy away, and never taking the time to refill your own cup. If so, then a cord cutting meditation may be able to help you. Cord cutting is a form of meditation that uses energy attunement and visualization practices to aid in closing energy leakages and promote spiritual healing.
Visualization as a tool for energy and attunement
In this meditation, we call to mind all the many ways we are giving away our energy; from the most obvious forms such as work, family and daily tasks, to the subtlest pieces like stress, jealousy or defenses. Then, through focused breathing and some guided visualizations, we work to find harmony and alignment within the body. We release what we no longer need, and give ourselves space to draw our energy back to center.
This type of meditation can help nourish your energy levels, repair your relationships and align you with goals that help you feel fulfilled. It’s my hope that with this meditation, you’re able to take refuge from the hustle and bustle of the holidays, reset with vitality and thrive.
Cord cutting meditation preparation
This is a 15 minute meditation that you can do from anywhere. Find a comfortable spot where you can focus and remain undisturbed.
Take time to ask yourself; What are you releasing to give yourself more space this holiday season?
Don’t worry if you are new to meditation. There is no right or wrong way to do it. As you follow my instructions in the recording don’t worry too much about how or if you’re doing it right, instead just let whatever happens, happen.
If you lose track of the meditation and your thoughts take over you, that’s ok. Just come back to the recording whenever you notice your attention has drifted. Be kind to yourself, and simply come back to the practice.
For your meditation, set yourself up in a position that feels comfortable. You could be seated on the floor, in a chair, or even lying down. Make sure you’re comfortable, but also that you can still remain alert. The meditation included below is best enjoyed with headphones so that you can remain undistracted and fully immersed in your meditative experience.
After you’re finished with your meditation, allow yourself to return to your daily activities slowly and with intention. Remember that with ritual practices, there is no right or wrong. It’s all about what feels best to you and what’s going to help you feel most nurtured.
How did this mediation make you feel? Let me know in the comments below. I’d love to talk with you!