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November’s Astrological Forecast: Communication is key to manifesting our desires

Mind KEY / Energy  / November’s Astrological Forecast: Communication is key to manifesting our desires

November’s Astrological Forecast: Communication is key to manifesting our desires

By Seshat


November welcomes us with powerful, life-altering energy shifts that will continue to steer us for the remainder of the year. Life as you know it will no longer be the same. Everything you have ever wanted, desired, and needed will be presented to you. What is at the heart of your deepest desire? The trick question is not if you still want it, but if you are ready to gallop away with it once you have it? Are you ready to make it yours? Once it is yours, what will you do with it? November scorpio energy will demand you are clear so you can manifest your desire.

New moon energy in Scorpio

The 7th of November starts us off with the new moon in Scorpio. Anytime anything is happening with Scorpio or Plutonian energy, things get very intense. Emotions are running rapid and are coming deep from within. All things that have been repressed, shrouded in darkness, or simply kept secret are now out in the spotlight for all to see. This moon will reveal that what you want is in fact already yours. The intensity of your wants, desires, and needs are causing some to be clouded with their own judgement, while others are sitting in paralyzed fear. Yet some very brave souls will jump off the cliff into the darkness not knowing if there is a net or not.

Remember, the full moon of October pushed everyone out of their comfort levels. It made them do, see, feel, speak, and acknowledge things they were uncomfortable with. So, this moon is now urging you to delve deep into this uncomfortable energy—hone it and make it yours. You can, in fact, create beauty out of the darkness. Trust your intuition for you are being shown the light in the darkness.

Jupiter go home (relief!)

The next day, November 8th, Jupiter leaves its visit with Scorpio and goes back home to Sagittarius. Ahh, what a sigh of relief. Do you feel that shift of energy? How free it feels? Are you feeling the urge to speak your truth? Jupiter will be home until December 2, 2019, making life for all of us quite interesting. If you thought this year couldn’t get anymore interesting, think again—this month is going to show you a preview of where you will be next year around this time.

Expansion, travel, higher learning, risk taking, and fortune will be on forefront for everyone. Also, keep in mind that misfortune can and will be had, but it also brings those blessings you have been eyeing. You are at the starting line. The gun has gone off, and now the race begins. The finish line is within sight, but there are some big obstacles in its way. Do you trust the Gods to lead you down the right track? Or will you have to overcome all the obstacles before you? Enjoy it, because this is a big race.

Venus stations direct: Communication improves

We are halfway through the month, swimming along in the energy waves, but if you look ahead, you will notice this big tsunami of a wave coming right for us. Venus is finally leaving her retrograde motion and stationing direct. Partnerships, communication, and balance was what we were all dealing from the 31st of October until now. Thank goodness Venus has shifted out of Scorpio into her home of Libra. This shift was no easy task, and a lot of people faltered under the heavy weight of Libra’s scales.

Communication was key during this cycle, while balancing our desires, wants, and needs. Now that Venus has stationed direct again, those still left standing will find that they were not, in fact, alone—they had help all along. Love is a beautiful feeling that drives us all to do positive loving things, not only for those we love and care about, but also for ourselves. Give yourself a pat on the back because you have survived and came out much stronger than you even realized you were.

Mercury in retrograde again!

Please, take a deep breath and exhale because as of November 16th, Mercury will begin his last retrograde motion of the year. It will start its backward motion in Sagittarius, and bring us more communication, expansion, fortune and misfortune, until it finishes its backwards motion in Scorpio on December 6th.

When Mercury shifts into Scorpio during this retrograde, more things are going surface. If you thought the purging was over, think again. Whatever you kept holding onto will abrupt into the light. The only difference is as quickly as it abrupts, it will as quickly leave. It was just one more small lesson we had to learn in order to appreciate what is being presented to us.

Full moon: Full communication

November 24th is our Gemini full moon, and brings loads of messages to us all. Communication is still being highlighted. It’s not going away. Everybody is talking a mile a second, and not giving others the consideration of speaking their truths. Everyone wants to be heard and they will do everything in their power to be heard. Yet, we are also going to be made to hear others’ concerns, feelings, and thoughts, as well.

Breathing exercises and meditation will really help with this energy. Slowing down and learning to relax and allowing the universe to do what it must do will be better suited for everyone. Fighting, running, or hiding will not serve you at all—it will only make things worse. Blue, gold, green, white, and yellow candles will be great to work with this rapid energy. Speaking your intentions to the wind will make things happen a lot quicker, but please be prepared to be able to handle what is brought to you.

Neptune goes direct

We have been overwhelmed with an abundance of retrogrades this year—and many have happened all at the same time this summer!  However, the day after the full moon, yet another planet be coming out of retrograde. When Neptune finally stations direct, all illusions, delusions, believements, and energies will fall apart and move forward once again. No more struggling against the current. Either you overcame this, or you got wiped out once the tides turned. All masks are now off and reality has now sunken in. Do you like what you see? Do you like how it feels? What will you do now that reality has now come into the light? Did you see yourself here when the year started? When it was half way over? I hope this is where you want to be, desire to be, and need to be. Appreciate it and love it because this was all part of your metamorphosis of this spiritual year.


Happy Thanksgiving!


Joseph Gonzalez

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