Getting What We Want From Others
Did you know that you can get what you want from others this holiday without falling into the expectation trap? When we rely on ourselves, rather than others, to achieve our goals, we become more empowered, independent, and generally take better care of ourselves. Wendy Watson-Hallowell, professional and corporate Belief Coach, offers a different perspective on how to get what we want from others by changing our own behavior and attitude.
by The Belief Coach, Wendy Watson-Hallowell
Why do we rarely get what we want from others, even when we give our all? What if we could never count on getting what we wanted from others? How would that have us feel? Hopeless? Powerless? Despondent? For many of us, this is what it felt like as children, and our lives still reflect this core belief. What if getting what we want is not dependent on others? What if it comes from ourselves? What if we are able to give ourselves what we want and drop our expectations of others completely?
One reason we find ourselves in this quandary is our limiting beliefs about whose job it is to take care of us in the first place. We may have learned that those in authority (parents, teachers, governments, banking system, siblings, etc.) should be taking care of our needs and watching out for us. This inter-generational belief keeps us from……. CLICK TO CONTINUE READING
Interested in giving yourself more of what you really want this holiday? Want to explore how this works in your life? Wendy Waston-Hallowell, the Belief Coach offers free weekly exploration exercises here, as well a one-on-one, group and corporate coaching.