Bullies beware—Compassion can renew the cyberbullying dynamic
By Taraleigh Weathers
Cyberbullying is prevalent not only with children but among adults, as well. When we are bullied for our beliefs or actions, the ensuing feelings are never pleasant. Whether the result is sadness, lethargy or worthlessness, or whether the bullying elicits anger and hate… We can use those emotions to take action in a thoughtful and loving way that is highly effective at renewing perspectives and outlooks on both sides of the coin.
Taraleigh Weathers shares her turning point of cyberbullying—how she was able to take her anger and transform it into creative energy. How she took a negative experience, sowed it with positive vibes, and thereby renewed her relationship with hate across the internet.

Teenage Girl Being Bullied By Text Message On Mobile Phone
I have noticed something extremely disturbing going on lately. Ever since the election, I have witnessed, and have even found myself, on the receiving end of some extreme online bullying because someone thought differently than I do.
I’m really angry right now with what’s going on, and that anger is the catalyst for me to take action and speak my truth to others who may or may not agree with me. It might not always sound nice, but it’s different when it’s rooted in love than rooted in hate.
What I’m about to share has nothing to do with the election, who won the election or the Women’s March, but it’s all relative and can be used to combat all forms of cyberbullying.
I Found Compassion and Forgiveness for My Cyber Bullies and You Can Too. Here’s How: