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Preempt holiday indulgences with a bottle of bitters

Mind KEY / Energy  / Preempt holiday indulgences with a bottle of bitters
digestive bitters are a natural upset stomach cure
Bitters elements are found in a variety of foods, or bottled for on-the-go use Image courtesy of Natures Goodness

Preempt holiday indulgences with a bottle of bitters

Bitters are an essential addition to my holiday survival toolkit. I will stash a bottle into my smallest purse rather than brave a dinner party without it. This article from Nature’s Goodness in Newport Rhode Island gives an overview this natural upset stomach cure, discussing the history of bitters as a cocktail ingredient, how they work, and where they can be found in foods.

by Patty Lenz Bovie for Nature’s Goodness

Bitters are alcohol-based extracts of bark, roots, berries, leaves, or flowers of bitter-tasting plants. Known for the essential role they play in signature cocktails, they burst with a range of aromatic flavors such as zesty orange, tarragon spice, and nutty coffee. But taste is not their only perk. Research has shown that bitters may also be a natural way to soothe an upset stomach and aid in digestion. They can help reduce bloating, gas, food sensitivities–even heartburn.

Bitters were invented thousands of years ago when the Chinese brewed grapes, rice, honey, and hawthorn berries into a bitter-tasting liquid for medicinal purposes. While cocktail bitters are used in drinks, digestive bitters are often consumed with a few drops on the tongue. They can be taken by droperful, spoonful, or spray.

There is some evidence that bitters help cleanse the liver and prevent yeast overgrowth, while also contributing to regular bowel movements. And they’ve been known to help with weight loss by…. CLICK TO READ MORE

To find your bottle of bitters, visit Nature’s Goodness in Newport RI…. OR go to the Mind Key Marketplace to get your bottle of bitters today.

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