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The tragedy in Orlando

Mind KEY / Health  / The tragedy in Orlando

The tragedy in Orlando


Photo credit to (here)
We at Mind Key grieve for all of the lives touched by the mass shooting at Pulse, an LGBT nightclub in Orlando, FL over the weekend. 
Fifty lives, including the shooter’s, were lost and fifty-three people remain wounded and hospitalized, some fighting for their lives. 
Living in the Denver metro area in Colorado, I have borne witness to several local mass tragedies, starting with the shooting at Columbine High School (about 6 miles from my home), and most recently with the Aurora Theater shooting, which is near where our oldest son lives.  I know the sheer panic of wondering if someone you know has been affected, hurt, or even killed by acts of terror like this. 
Photo thanks to Kara Bedard (via Facebook here)
As news continues to pour out of Orlando, the local and global communities are coming together to support one another through this grief.  We rally to support first responders, families of the deceased, support staff and each other through the disbelief of this needles tragedy.  We raise money for those suffering, hold vigils, and donate blood. 
This month, Mind Key is sharing stories of giving back and paying it forward and this basic truth is never as natural and apparent as when tragedy such as this strikes.
Lines around the block have formed at the Red Cross office in Orlando pictured here, and they continue to form around the country.  Some are waiting as long as 5-7 hours to donate blood and show their support this way.  Others gather to give drinks and snacks to those waiting in line. We come together and we support one another.


Mind Key would like to call our readers to action.  Click here to find your local Red Cross.  Donate blood.  While there are eight types of blood, it’s all red, and it’s all needed.


Charla Dury
Editor and COO

Mother, blogger, cyclist, travel enthusiast, accountant and writer, Charla Dury blogs about her experience in humanity. Whether fact, fiction, poetry or creative nonfiction, Charla’s writing brings out the human experience in each of us. “We are all part of one big human family and can relate to each other on multiple levels,” Charla said. “It doesn’t have to be only skin deep.” One of the most profound reasons Charla blogs is to bring back a sense of community and connectedness that is often lost in the world of technology.

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