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Yoga as a creative endeavor

Mind KEY / Creativity  / Yoga as a creative endeavor

Yoga as a creative endeavor

We’ve all seen the pictures of the un-doable poses.  The poses where the person looks like a freshly baked pretzel, all malleable and stuff.  The folks who are flexible beyond normal person flexibility.

Pose I can’t do
Suffice it to say, that’s not me.
I have some physical limitations.  My left hip flexor doesn’t open and I have some chronic pain.  I work on it, but there’s only so much I can do.  Yet, I do yoga.
Another pose I can’t do
Why, you may ask?  Because I love it.  Because yoga helps my creative juices.  I’m not talking Wii fit yoga poses on the balance board that I do in my bedroom as the Wii trainer lady counts for me. I’m talking about an actual yoga class in a “yoga environment”.  As I hold a pose and quiet my brain, I’m able to let go of the worries of my day to day life; those loud, demanding everyday voices of stress, need, work, finances and family.
The longer I hold a pose and settle into the processes of my own body, the easier it is to slip into a creative place.  My creative space involves seeing everyday things in a new and creative way. Whether I am talking about photographing them or writing about them, everyday items are marvelous.  Everyday items and seeing them in new and interesting ways are one of my medicines.

Charla Dury: The Grounding Rod – Focusing your energy in the present moment

Charla Dury
Editor and COO

Mother, blogger, cyclist, travel enthusiast, accountant and writer, Charla Dury blogs about her experience in humanity. Whether fact, fiction, poetry or creative nonfiction, Charla’s writing brings out the human experience in each of us. “We are all part of one big human family and can relate to each other on multiple levels,” Charla said. “It doesn’t have to be only skin deep.” One of the most profound reasons Charla blogs is to bring back a sense of community and connectedness that is often lost in the world of technology.

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