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Mind KEY / Posts tagged "holidays"

Christmas At The Newport Mansions

A magnificent night for all! Tour 3 beautiful mansions and be star struck from their beauty. Elegance and class at its finest. Create a new Christmas tradition by touring these homes and listening to music. The sparkle of these homes will be sure to leave a lasting impression on the whole family.    ...

Celebrating the solstice across culture and religion

Winter Solstice at Stonehenge In my mind, the solstice is why we say "happy holidays" instead of Merry Christmas.  It's why we celebrate the New Year, Christmas, Hanukkah and any other number of holidays this time of year.  It's the real reason for the season.Please let's not get into a religious discussion here.  I'm not a pagan, nor am I a witch.  In fact, I was raised Catholic. This isn't about religion.  It's not even about spirituality.  Well… except for how the tradition of the season resonates with each of us in a very spiritual way.The Winter Solstice an actual astronomical event.  Today is when the day is the shortest and the night is its longest.  From here on out, the days will only grow longer until the...

Holiday Season Stress? Yes, You’ve Got in Under Control

This month Mind Key will be sharing stories and tips for living in the moment with ease and brilliance this holiday. Inspirational author and motivational speaker, Azuka Zuke, provides encouragement and insights on how we can remain positive and present with our loved ones and the beauty of peace during even the most stressful moments this Azuka Zuke *   *   *                     It’s holiday season again.  A time when we get into the frenzy of celebrations. From holiday songs to decoration adorned houses lining streets of holiday shoppers. For some people, this is an exciting time. But for others, this can also be a tough time of year. We all want peace, beauty, mindfulness, happiness, strength and joy, but oftentimes...

Surviving the most wonderful time of the year

Peace, joy, happiness…All words that we use to define the holiday season.But how many of us actually feel these deep emotions during what is supposed to be the most wonderful time of the year?Instead, we suffer through the holiday hustle and bustle.  The next trip to the store. The next gift we can't really afford. The next party we don't have the energy to enjoy…. And on and on and on it goes.  We promise ourselves this year it will be different.  This year we will sit and enjoy the holidays.  This year we will spend more time with our family and less ticking off our endless to-do lists.Sometimes it works.  Usually not for long stretches, but in those blissful moments when our children get...

The longest day of the year

Merry first day of winter!The crisp air and pale sky struck with crystal sun… the sense of cleanliness and clarity after a snowfall.  The long cold days of winter are hard on me, but I must admit I do love the season.Most of us forget that the reason we celebrate the “holidays” when we do is because they all (all the holidays we celebrate at this time of year) represent the “coming of the light.” We are entering into a period of cold and hibernation, but we are also moving into the brighter half of the year… and that starts today, on the longest day.  It’s all downhill from here, as they say.So although we usually wait until New Year’s Day to make our resolutions, there’s...

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