Spirit Animals/Power Animals
Are you seeking an answer to a question? Facing a daunting situation? Remember, you have a Spirit Animal waiting in the wings to help you through whatever situation you face.
When clients come to me for a Shamanic oracle card reading seeking solutions to their problems and questions, first I guide them to choose a Spirit Animal to help them in their quest. Their Spirit Animal will possess the traits they will need in the situations they inquire about. I utilize Power Animal Cards to assist clients in their choice, but meditating, observing nature and being aware of your dream time are all ways to find your Spirit Animal.
During my Shamanic Drum Circles, participants find their Spirit Animal through guided meditations accessing the Lower World while listening to drums and sitting by the bonfire. Results can be amazing. One person shared that when she found her Spirit Animal, the eyes were moving funny, in different directions. At that point she thought her Spirit Animal was Marty Feldman until she realized upon closer inspection it was Owl, symbol of intuition and wisdom. The advice to her was to follow her intuition and wisdom about starting her own business, which she has done.
Once you find your Spirit Animal, your work is not done. If you wish to continue to enjoy assistance remember you must honor your Spirit Animal. This helps you grow and gain a deeper connection to them and elicit their guidance. Many people like showing respect to their totems by placing objects of the same species around their houses or wearing symbols of their Spirit Animals on their bodies (amulets, pendants etc.)
I wear a silver camel around my neck given to me my a dear friend, Dana Bree, a fellow Mind Key member and traveler on my Shamanic journey. I have Camel pictures and descriptions that I read periodically. I remain constantly open to the appearances of Spirit Animals in my life. I say “Spirit Animals” because Camel is not my only Spirit Animal. I guess you can say I have a whole menagerie of spirits helpers. I see them flying overhead while driving. They pop up in books I’m reading. I dream about them. Some I have felt an affinity for since I was a child. Others I have encountered just after moving to PA. They are part of the army of angels, spiritual guides and helpers I call on when things get tough for me or I need guidance.