Focusing on your childhood passions could unveil your future career
By Libby Reilly
Childhood interests; grown-up focus
It might surprise you to note that your childhood interests could be the key to your future purpose. Think about it. Who were you in second grade?
Eight-year-old Libby carried a Lion King backpack, learned how to do a French braid all by herself, and discovered that “stage fright” was not in her vocabulary as she shimmied and pirouetted across stages for dance recitals and local plays. At eight years old, Libby also loved making up songs, rhyming words, and she soared through vocabulary tests like a champ.
But how do these childhood interests help you find your purpose and focus? This article from Business Insider says that if you are wondering what you should be doing with your life and career, focus on the person you were in early elementary school. This is the time in life when we really start attaching themselves to a personality that travels with us. The heart of what you enjoyed in second grade is still the heart of what you enjoy and are passionate about as an adult. You just need to be honest with yourself about what those things are and how to apply that to something that, you know, ideally makes a little money.
We are who we are
I remember third and fourth grade to be exceptionally pivotal. It was there that Mrs. Stinnett’s class wrote in daily journals and were greeted by a cheerful written response the following day. It was there that I was complimented for bringing my Winnie the Pooh story full circle. It was there that Mrs. Stinnett foreshadowed my adult writing career and made me promise that when I write my first book, I would dedicate it to her.
According to this article in Science Daily, from elementary school to adulthood, we remain “…recognizably the same person. This speaks to the importance of understanding personality because it does follow us wherever we go across time and contexts.”
The study delves into four distinct personality traits and how they translate into adult behaviors and career choices. These traits being: verbally fluency, adaptability, impulsivity and self-minimizing.
Using childhood perspective to gain career traction
How does focusing on our childhood interests help us decide on a career or life choice today? By shifting your perspective into the mind of your eight-year-old self, removing the stress, complications and walls of insecurity that come with decades of life experience, you can begin to tap into your true gifts and potential. Our younger self is powerful and offers more insight than we may have previously given credit for. We only need to step back into that mindset and see life and ourselves for what they truly are.
The hope is that we don’t lose sight of the things that get our heart pumping, smile beaming and feet moving. Life is too short to do anything less than what we are passionate about. And retirement is too late to do all of the things we were waiting and hoping to enjoy.
Who were you in second grade? Are you bold enough to get to know that person again?
Let us help
Need a little help reaching back to your eight-year-old self? Contact Danielle for a discovery consult today. She’ll not only show you how you can tap into the innocence of what brings you joy, but how to find the right keys to integrate that knowledge into your career today.