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Author: John Strzechocki

Mind KEY / Articles posted by John Strzechocki
don’t let antisocial behavior symptoms turn you into a grinch

How being a grinch will hurt your health

By John Strzechocki The Christmas season is in full swing and it can get overwhelming. Make sure you take a step back and take a breath. Everyone knows that one person who becomes a feind during Christmastime for one reason or another. Sometimes, for very good reasons, that one person can be ourselves! Rude and antisocial behavior symptoms affect more than just personal relationships. It hurts our physical and mental health, as well. In the article, Does Rudeness Really Matter? Christine L. Poarth, Professor of Management at Georgetown University wrote, “Recent studies have suggested that targets of rudeness report psychological distress and negative emotional effects.” In other words, acting like the Grinch this holiday season will put you -- and others -- at a higher risk for depression, unproductivity,...

10 Tips to be emotionally available for others this holiday

By John Strzechocki   The holiday season is here, and with it comes family gatherings, dinners, and events. It’s always fun to enjoy a Thanksgiving dinner with the family and catch up with what’s been going on in our lives. Arguments are sure erupt over politics when your uncle has a bit too much to drink. However, it’s important to recognize that these little arguments may be more than just family bickering—they may be a cry for help. One thing we all need to be prepared for is to provide holiday support for loved ones who might be struggling this holiday season. Whether it be from a traumatic childhood experience, addiction, or depression, understanding the basis for how loved ones are feeling is one of the best...

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