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Mind Key Communication Maintenance services

Mind KEY / Mind Key Communication Maintenance services

All businesses need a way to communicate with both their established and potential clients. You work hard at the service you provide, but it takes time to maintain the online presence that is so essential to building and maintaining customers in today’s web-centric business environment. Whether you have a need for consistent content/blog posts, articles, press releases, white papers, event promotion, team bios or social media posts, Mind Key’s professional business and online communication services work with your existing business and marketing plan to generate and publish the content you need to stand out in today’s online world. All services include built-in SEO and custom, professionally written content from journalists in the field overseen by communications specialist, Danielle Rose.

Together, we help build and maintain a platform that works for you.  Not sure what you need, or how these services can help you?  A Business Consult can help you determine exactly what online communication services you need, and how we can help. 

Custom quotes and small-business discounts

Custom quotes are available on all of the above services. We also offer significant discounts for businesses with less than 10 or fewer employees, sole-practitioners, and non-profits. Contact us today to see how we can serve you, and to get your own custom quote.

Content maintenance starting at $399/month***

Whether you call it a newsletter, a magazine, or news updates, we believe regular updating of your website with new content is at the heart of all effective communication and the number one way to get your page at top of search engine results. Properly managed content continually brings people back to your website via social media, email campaigns, printed material, event listings, advertising, marketing and more, further boosting your page ranking and conversion rates With our content maintenance service, you provide the content, and we will create a beautiful blog, perfectly edited and formatted with images, and most importantly full-service SEO, that posts once per week. We will also create a schedule and flow for disseminating this content through all of your funnels and to each of your followers.

You don’t write, or have the time to write? Consider our content creation service. We take your knowledge and expertise, or that of forerunners in your field, and create amazing original content that compliments the news about your business (see below).

***Are you already a writer, or have a content creation team? If your work is publication-ready, and includes images, our editorial team will provide the final copyediting and formatting, with up to 25% off our standard rate. What better way to focus on your business and your writing, than by letting us take care of the headache of posting and SEO?

Content Creation starting at $250/month

We will create one new post per week, month or quarter based on your business needs and budget.  These articles will be written in journalistic magazine-style—third-person (or first-person by an expert in the field of discussion—your choice) and will include exceptional sources from our writers, all edited by a seasoned journalist and editor, and organized by our editorial team. We also incorporate SEO best practices into your content so that people can find you online, as well as the artwork needed (much of it original) to make your stories stand out.

Newsletter services starting at $250/month

Newsletters are the number one way existing contents and clients remember your service.  Even if they don’t have time to read the content (although with our newsletters, they will want to make the time!), seeing your name in their inbox reminds them of who you are, and to reach out to you when they’re ready for their next appointment or product. We will work your content into an easy-to-read, visually pleasing, weekly newsletter you can send to your entire list.  We also maintain your list, adding contacts as you send them to us. Sign up for a content maintenance package or our full communication services, and the rate for this service can drop by as much as 50%.

Calendar maintenance starting at $150/month

Do you have more than one or two events each month?  Workshops, online courses, vendor shows, festivals, open houses?  People want to see everything you’re doing at a glance and, when they do, they’re more likely to return time and time again. We will take your events, update them in your online calendar, and make sure those events are shared and highlighted throughout your online community.

Social media maintenance starting at $150/month

This maintenance package includes weekly maintenance of up to three of your business’ social media pages. Maintenance happens on a schedule that works for you, your business and your business goals. This package also includes a custom social media program for dissemination of your content and–depending on your needs and maintenance frequency–a monthly report on our findings of your business’ social media hits, an evaluation of our work on your social media sites, and a monthly meeting with you. For an additional fee, we can also respond to all comments and messages, as well as create new networks and contacts in your field.

Landing page starting at $350

Are you interested in getting online exposure, but don’t have the time to build a website or the funds to invest in a web developer who can build one for you? We know that it can be hard to get your online presence started. We also understand how difficult it is to establish a credible presence simply with social media. Our landing page services offer a placeholder for your website URL (purchased separately) that includes all the information you want the world to see: contact information and how to find you, photos of your products or services (support in providing online sales for a small number of products/services are also available for qualifying businesses), and links to media exposure. If needed, we will create a bio and/or write up about you and your business/organization so people understand who you are. We also include Search Engine Optimization (SEO) so that people can find you online. Stop wishing you had a website and start putting your professional URL address on your business cards and marketing material. When you’re ready to launch your own website (whether created by you or a web developer), we’ll redirect your URL there. We’ve got your back!

Strategic Planning Session starting at $250

Do you already have a handle on the above services? Perhaps you have a team of employees and contractors creating and marketing your product/services… But are your teams working together seamlessly to ensure you’re getting the most return for your effort? In a strategic planning session, we can help create a plan that works within your existing business structure to efficiently and effectively streamline your content with your online presence. If you sign up for any recurring service, we automatically include a strategic planning session in your start-up fees. However, you may schedule a session separately. Stop wondering if your content is working hard enough for you. We can show you how to make sure it is.

Business Consult $75/hour

Not sure which of these services will be the best fit for you? A business coaching session is perfect for anyone who needs guidance or support taking their business to the next level. Whether you are seeking more clients, increasing your daily income, or everything in between, Danielle can help you determine where to focus your energies into your growing business, and when it is time to seek outside help.

A consult will last approximately 40 minutes, with follow-ups scheduled as needed. If you choose to work with Mind Key Business Services to support your needs, the consult fee is discounted from your first payment for any additional services purchased.

The Ultimate Online Communication Services Package starting at $1499/month

This package includes all of the above services.  We will take the content you send us, as well as create new content on a weekly basis that matches your company’s mission, goals and voice, and post it to your blog once weekly. Then, using that information, we will create a visually stunning newsletter and send it to your entire list (we will also help build and maintain your list for you).  We will maintain your social media sites, sharing the information we’ve created. Our editorial team will meet weekly behind the scenes to discuss your online communication and blog, and we include a monthly meeting with you as part of the package, as well as any between-meeting updates and conversations necessary to keep things moving and in order.  We will share with you copies of your upcoming editorial calendar so you can ensure that things are running smoothly and in a timely manner.  We also provide a monthly report of your blog, newsletter, and social media activity so you can see which content gets the best response (the reports and meetings alone are worth over $175 in value).  All-in-all this package offers the best value with up to $500 worth of savings per month for all of your communication needs!

Start-up fees starting at $250 (one-time fee required for most services)

We will meet with you, discuss your business plan, and your intention for growth within your business for the future. Together, we will determine which elements of our communication services package are best for you. We will consider the kind of content you should be sharing, how much content we will create from scratch, what your competition is doing online, and your current online exposure and goals.

At the end of the set-up period, you will have:

1.) a solid idea of what your communication structure will look like, (blog, calendar, social media, newsletter, etc.),

2.) an editorial calendar with a team to maintain it,

3.) insight on how to make your online communication services work best for you.

For businesses that want us to create the lion’s share of their content, start-up fees will also include building an editorial team to create and maintain your online body of work. We will discuss your vision for your business and blog, and will discuss the need to create a new blog if you do not currently have one, or to adjust your existing blog to meet your growing needs.

Our Team

Our team members are veterans in the communication, journalism and online marketing and will build an article that provides added value for your customers/clients, and will drive more traffic to your site through the utilization of SEO best practices. Together we have built Mind Key’s online magazine, The Daily Key, by utilizing the same journalistic ideals and online essentials that we incorporate into every article we publish.

The team is led by journalist and EIC of The Daily Key, Danielle Rose. With over two decades of experience in the field of journalism and publishing, Danielle has grown with the takeover of online content and is well versed not only in best practices for SEO, but she also understands what it takes to quickly and efficiently prepare your content for online publication in a way that will withstand the constant changes in technology.

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