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Divination as a modality of healing and growth

Mind KEY / Health  / Divination as a modality of healing and growth

Divination as a modality of healing and growth

Divination is becoming more and more a tool for self development, healing and growth.  Most often it comes in the gentle form of intuition that health care practitioners use to guide them in their decisions. This is especially true of certain alternative healing modalities, but it holds water even in standard medical practices.  Think of the analytical character, House M.D., who relies as heavily on traditional medicine as he does his gut.  
We use our gut when we need to make decisions with no right answer, with pro and con lists that are evenly balanced, or when we simply know something “isn’t right.”    Our intuition leads us to chose our profession, our partners, our homes.  We convince ourselves that we’ve made these choices because of XY and Z, but realistically the final decision comes down to just “knowing” it’s the right (or wrong) choice… Which is why so many times we end up someplace in life even though logically it may not make sense.
Tarot and other oracle readers use their intuition, and often acute psychic abilities, to read the symbols present in a spread and incorporate them in a meaningful way into the querent’s life.  Often the cards are simply a representation of what the we already know.  Sometimes they advise a different path, or how to enhance the path already taken. 
When used this way, rather than an expectation of what the future holds, readings of any kind become a tool – a way to connect with our higher selves and discover our true selves as a result.  The reader may sometimes be wrong, but our intuition covers that department, letting us know exactly what’s right for us at that given moment.
The following is a post from friend and psychic, Sarah Guartafierro.  She has been guiding people for over two decades using tarot cards and her abilities as a medium.  Here she sheds some light on what tarot is all about, how people become psychics, and how divination can be used as a tool for healing and growth.
Greetings. Many Blessings to you all. My Name is Sarah, and welcome to Mind Key
I’m offering my knowledge as a psychic and tarot reader today. 
I’ve been a tarot reader for many, many years. And while (sadly) it is true that there are charlatans out there, the majority of readers I have come across are authentic. 
Can tarot tell the future? Depends on your perspective. I use them as a guide. They refer to situations that are affecting you at the present, and how the past has brought you to this point. Using this as a reference point, the cards will illustrate the possible outcome if one continues along this path. Personally, I don’t believe the future is carved in stone. I’m a deep believer in Free Will. So the tarot (for me) can only illustrate a “potential” future. Whether you chose to listen to the advice, or proceed in a “business as usual” fashion is entirely up to you. 
The other thing you need to be aware of is that the Universe has a great sense of humor. No matter how much effort I put into a reading for a client, if the Universe is in a perverse mood, nothing will make sense. For a lot of people, that sounds like an excuse. But unless you’ve put as much effort and study into tarot reading as a proficient reader has, you have no idea. Too many people ridicule matters, simply because of their own ignorance and arrogance. 
 We are all psychic, but for the majority the gift or the belief has been long knocked out of them. Educated out is another way of looking at it. Many professional psychics have grown up in a psychic friendly environment. Perhaps a grandparent or parent with the knowledge has helped bring the extra sense out in the open and encouraged its use. But there are as many practicing psychics who have not had the benefit of caring psychic guidance and who have still managed to develop and hone this natural extra sense.
In short, tarot cards are a very powerful guide. How you choose to take the advice given is entirely up to you. 
Sarah Guartafierro has been a tarot reader and psychic for 22 years and is also a novice medium.   She loves Mother Earth and all the gifts she has given us. She is also a certified in Buddhist Meditation. 
Sarah has trained in Kauai, Hawaii under the guidance of  Satguru Bodhinatha Veylanswami at the Hindu Monastery. She loves all animals, yoga and hiking. She is married to her husband Joe and they have one human daughter Samantha, and four “Fur Children,” their dogs, Saffron, Simone and Cain, and their cat Panda.

For Readings, Meditation or any other information contact
Danielle Rose
Founder, Mind Key

I help people follow their dreams! As the founder, CEO and Editor-in-Chief at Mind Key, Danielle has the skills and abilities to help you grow in your chosen career, or to launch the business of your dreams to the next level.

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