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Author: Danielle Rose

Mind KEY / Articles posted by Danielle Rose (Page 4)

“Retrash” – Finding beauty in lost things

Today’s guest blogger, Nathan Devine has pulled together the work of 82 designers that create beauty from trash in his book “Retrash.”  Learn more at and**********************************************************************“Retrash” is a book all about trash.I remember going to the dump when I was a kid and being excited by what treasure I might find, and at the same time feeling saddened and confused by the amount of trash that was being thrown away. I feel the same way today as an adult as I did back then, and I want to do something to change all of this.I’ve spent the last three years compiling the work of 82 designers and artists from 20 countries around the world to show the beautiful and innovative things that can...


Art or Garbage: What is Upcycling?

Upcycling is defined as: “to process (used goods or waste material) so as to produce something that is often better than the original.’”Whether making use of old baby stuff (I once saw a crib-turned-kids desk that was amazing), or dumpster diving for unique items to turn into art, upcycling is becoming an incredibly popular way to not only reduce landfill, but to stretch creative wings and define oneself.Nathan Devine, founder of Retrash, a website and book devoted to finding inspiring ways to sustainability remembers being excited about trash even as a kid.“I remember going to the dump when I was a kid and being excited by what treasure I might find, and at the same time feeling saddened and confused by the amount of trash...

Divination as a modality of healing and growth

Divination is becoming more and more a tool for self development, healing and growth.  Most often it comes in the gentle form of intuition that health care practitioners use to guide them in their decisions. This is especially true of certain alternative healing modalities, but it holds water even in standard medical practices.  Think of the analytical character, House M.D., who relies as heavily on traditional medicine as he does his gut.  We use our gut when we need to make decisions with no right answer, with pro and con lists that are evenly balanced, or when we simply know something “isn’t right.”    Our intuition leads us to chose our profession, our partners, our homes.  We convince ourselves that we’ve made these choices because...

The magic of spring today

Merry Beltane!Today is May Day, or Beltane as some call it… an ancient festival celebrating the turn of seasons, life, warmth and fertility.  Whether you honor the ancient celebrations or not, it’s hard to deny the magic in the air come May.  Halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, Beltane represents things that are bursting into growth - the tiny seedlings are pushing out leaves, drinking in water and nutrients, and getting ready to flower.  Animals of all kinds are mating, the frogs’ chorus filling the evening air with their song, birds busily building nests, and insects filling their air with their humming buzz.  What new signs of spring are cropping up by you?Here on my mountain the dandelions are showing their furry...


Core Groups

A term that’s been floating through my mind lately is “core.”Whether an apple core, the body’s core, or the core of the earth, “core” is defined as “the central, innermost, or most essential part of anything.”There’s also “corps,” or “a group of persons associated or acting together: the diplomatic corps; the press corps.”Although pronounced the same way, the two terms are rarely connected.  However, they are undoubtedly part of each other.  For example, the etymology of both words seem to indicate that they derived from the Latin word for body, “corpus.”  From there both terms made their way into Old French and Middle English before they arrived at their current definitions.I find this interesting and significant because a core of people can create the backbone...


Where is our power? In the end result, or the journey?

My friend, Tara Lesko, works in a Northern New Jersey school that focuses on alternative learning methods (my own words).  The followings was written in response to goal versus process oriented methods of teaching and learning.On a personal note, I’ve found that being too focused on the end goal has the distasteful result of disappointment when in fact much has been gained.  I think about my career changes, failed businesses, and other endeavors that never came to fruition.  Even my graduate degree is considered a failure by some because I’m not currently using it to make money.  However, if I discount these life events as failures because they did not manifest as expected (which brings me to another topic - whose expectation did they fail...


Why Mind Key?

I began the Mind Key endeavor because on my path of self-discovery I lost my way.  Haven’t we all at some point?  I let bad relationships and bad situations break me down.  I let old programming rule my life when I should have broken the records long ago.  I used to hear the faeries clearly, but once I lost that connection it took time for me to hear them again.  Only once I realized how broken I truly was could healing begin.  I went the regular MD route.  Which is a wonderful and necessary option - except when it doesn’t help.  I began seeing naturopathic doctor, Doni Wilson, and she taught me more than I could hope to understand about my body. I began taking...


What is “Mind Key”?

Once simply a novel, Mind Key has blossomed into The Mind Key Project - a hub of knowledge and resources, a community of practitioners, and a calendar of events aligned with bringing people together with their goals and dreams.Why “Mind Key”?  The term was chosen because we each have the potential within to create the life we want.  There’s no healing, no reality, no dream that is beyond our reach… but finding the resources to bring these things to fruition can be difficult.  Especially in a world full of “nos,” “can’ts” and “impossible.”It is my belief that nothing is impossible, if only space is created for it.  That space begins within our own bodies, our minds and our hearts.  “Mind Key,” the Novel is a...

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