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January 2017

Mind KEY / 2017 (Page 3)

Time heals all wounds? A romantic sentiment

Featured photo courtesy of Carlie Currier Article by Dr. Lisa Avila The idea that time heals all wounds is a lovely, almost romantic sentiment. The suggestion is that distance from the event, in the form of time, is all that is required to heal a broken heart or other form of betrayal. The reality is that I have not seen this to be the truth. Time and distance from a wound merely help take the sting out of it. The wound moves from acute, which can be thought of as a sharp pain, to chronic, which may be thought of as a dull throbbing pain. That is not healing anything. It is merely moving one's emotional pain from one category to another. If it never really resolves into a...


Living on Reiki Time – Nonlinear Time

It was Reiki that introduced me to the concept that time is not linear, or as I like to call it, Reiki time. I started to allow for the possibility that time is actually a continuum when I was introduced to the distance healing concept of Reiki Level Two.  I tell my clients that Reiki Healing knows no time, space or distance. The time continuum represents a continuous flow of energy. It contains all the events that have ever happened, are happening in this moment, or will ever happen. I fervently believe this concept, but really never expected that I would experience it physically.  Being spiritual, I am able to believe without physical proof. Little did I know I would actually experience nonlinear time during a healing with a...

Adara's Hands by Sean David Wright

Shifting the patterns of time–Look for the positives

Featured image: Adara's Hands by Sean David Wright Regularly taking time for yourself, even with something as simple as a cup of tea, invites time to be more friend than foe. by Barbara Steingas Time is man-made illusion. It is relative to how we perceive it. I’m sure we have all experienced when minutes seem like hours when we’re waiting for, or anticipating something. Conversely, we have also all had time fly by when we were having fun or when we are busy. It’s our perspective that determines if time feels like a friend or a foe. We have the ability to choose and control how we feel about the passing of time. When I cram too many things in a time frame, then I feel pressured and stressed....


January is Stress Reduction Month with Dr. Doni

  Happy New Year from Dr. Doni! First, let me wish you a happy and healthy 2017! I do hope you had a wonderful holiday season. I love the holidays. I love the cooking, the eating, giving presents and spending time with my loved ones. But I also know the holidays can be a STRESSFUL time for many. By the time the New Year rolls around, we might feel a bit drained once the excitement dies down: We may feel like we ate too much, drank too much, or just plain did too much. We may have eaten foods that increase leaky gut and throw of blood sugar levels. We may have stayed up late and slept less than usual. We may have loved seeing our friends and...

The helpfulness of lists in prioritization of goals

In an article for Psychology Today, Carrie Barron, MD, author of “The Creativity Cure: How to Build Happiness With Your Own Two Hands” writes that lists are a way to “coalesce and conquer” the plethora of choices in today’s culture.  She adds that lists benefit productivity as well as creativity by working through questions and confusions, to prioritize and streamline, to determine direction, create action and to organize to minimize inner chaos. [caption id="attachment_5222" align="alignright" width="300"] Lists can help you organize your thoughts[/caption] Ultimately, lists are a way to better understand ourselves and the work that we’re doing. They help us create action plans, organize our thoughts and ultimately, drive us toward our goals. I had the benefit of spending some time with the Belief Coach, Wendy Watson-Hallowell...


Plan to acheive your dreams this year

Below is an insightful post written for Mind Key last year by Tara Ann Lesko.  Even though the post talks about 2015, this New Year is no different (and DragonTree is offering a new version for 2017).  While many people use the New Year to create resolutions, we prefer to create goals and to make plans.  Just changing the terms we use make our thoughts more concrete.  Use your time wisely this new year and check this planner out! *************************** 2015 went by in a blur, as years often do when you are 30 or 40 plus. We are all familiar with the clichéd New Year's resolutions made in late December while we're entwined in tinsel and credit card debt. You know the type; lose weight, save...

January’s Issue: Time – How do you view it?

[caption id="attachment_5204" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Time is a clock in the sand begging to be overlooked - It's only a "thing" if we make it one.[/caption] We depend on time for everything. We are so conditioned to run on or by it, that there's a sense of jealousy or confusion for those who don't know or care. But what is time? We as a society measure it in linear terms. We adhere to this linear definition so tightly that we find it difficult to even be open to a different interpretation. How do we find the time to do all that we hope? Can we manifest more, or bend it? What does it mean to "spend our time wisely” and why is it so important to "stop to...

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