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January 2017

Mind KEY / 2017 / January
time is limitless

Connect the dots–make the most of time

We can’t believe how fast this month has flown by. And that’s just what January’s theme was all about--shifting our perceptions of time to better serve us. No matter what your perception, our society depends on a linear model for almost everything. Can that line be changed? Some articles this month asked readers to challenge their definition of chronology. Others offered guidance on how to make the most of the traditional linear view. Our goal was to help you organize, feel more centered, and incorporate more productivity into your lifestyle. Week One--center yourself In Plan to achieve your dreams, creative journaling becomes a means to be more focused and organized in 2017. Improve productivity and creativity, organize thoughts, and achieve your goals with The helpfulness of lists. Also,...

Amy Oestricher's one-woman-show "Gutless and Grateful"

Time is running out to see a great show!

Time is running out to see Amy Oestreicher’s one-woman-show “Gutless & Grateful,” a moving story of triumph over one of life’s most incredible detours. As writer, director and starring actress, Amy is a creative visionary who wears many hats.  She is a speaker, survivor, columnist, and author of "My Beautiful Detour," available December, 2017. She was also featured on the Today Show with Kathie Lee Gifford, and '16 TEDx Talk. (Be sure to check out her next TEDx on Feb. 17th).   About the show [caption id="attachment_5373" align="alignleft" width="258"] Amy Oestreicher[/caption] “Gutless & Grateful” is an inspirational musical comedy which documents Amy’s experiences of over 25 surgeries, and six years without food. Amy knew she needed to stop waiting for life to catch up to her, so she decided to...


Not Waiting for Life: Embracing your detour

If anyone can be considered an ‘expert’ at making lemonade, it’s Mind Key’s extraordinary affiliate, Amy Oestreicher. She took the incredibly sour lemons life gave her at the age of 18, and turned them into a sweet adventure that has not only allowed her to achieve her dreams, but to become a stronger woman than she ever imagined.  As someone who hated the idea of waiting, she learned that embracing each moment meant never having to wait again. Today, Amy teaches others to embrace “detourism” as a PTSD peer-to-peer specialist, artist, author, writer, speaker, award-winning actress and playwright. Here, she shares the tale of her personal detour, and how it changed her life. ******************* Amy's Story I’m the youngest kid in my family, and with two doting parents and...


The best time of year to travel – look to the weather

I love to travel.  From visiting nearby cities and states, to traveling far away, the experience of travel is worth its weight in gold.  If you were to ask me when would be the best time to travel, I’d say any and all the time. I do understand, however, that some times of year are seen as better than others.  Many base their choices on the weather. [caption id="attachment_5264" align="alignleft" width="300"] Cabo San Lucas, Mexico - Image by Charla Dury[/caption] How can the weather be so important, you ask?  It’s all about preference. Wouldn’t a vacation be more enjoyable during calm weather when you can enjoy excursions?  I know I would prefer to drive on clear roads instead of ice if I have the option. While some desirable destinations such...

Don’t be a zombie–Improve email productivity

I am a total email zombie. There's no doubt that my email productivity sucks. I spend more time in my email than any other app.  I constantly flip back and forth from my inbox while working.  I'm the one refreshing my email while waiting in line, running out the door, at the bus stop...

Image by The Spiritual Indian

Using a Journal – Making the most of your time

By Rebecca Pall [caption id="attachment_5333" align="aligncenter" width="630"] Ferris Beuller's Day off , the iconic film of looking around and smelling the roses[/caption] “Life moves pretty fast.  If you don’t stop and look around once in awhile, you could miss it.”   This quote from the 1986 movie, Ferris Beuller’s Day Off, rings true in today’s day and age more than ever.  People have so much going on in their lives that it’s sometimes hard to sit down and really appreciate the time or good experiences that we have in life.   One of the best ways to keep track of memories is through a journal.  It doesn’t have to be a long entry but, having a journal to keep track of the specifics of a couple special memories, can...

Social Media Posting: Timing Strategies Uncovered

Do you feel like you’re always posting on social media, but no one sees your content?  Are you confused about the best time to post? As part of our work bringing you great online communication maintenance services, the Mind Key team is always seeking to unlock the keys to understanding the landscape of online marketing. As we learn from our affiliates, we strive to share their knowledge, and their services with you.  Lori Ramas of Lion LinQ is incredibly savvy when it comes to social media and networking, and has agreed to share some tips on how to best time your social media posts.  Learn more about her at, or by contacting to set up a consult to better understand how to make...


Tips on finding time to be creative from Marie

In our hectic world, it can be difficult to find creative time. Many artists and other creatives have explained that their ideas come to them suddenly, often fueled by strong emotion or intuition. Wendy Watson-Hallowell, the Belief Coach, explains, “When I become inspired, I work hard to clear time in my immediate schedule to write since I know that the urge dissipates when I don't follow it. Sometimes the creative push becomes so strong that I just have to stop and create, or it gets really uncomfortable. When I am not in that creative flow, sitting down to just 'create' because I said I would, isn't very helpful. I find the lack of structure brings out the best in what I have to offer.” So how...

Five Time-Saving Tips for Smartphone Users

[caption id="attachment_5248" align="alignright" width="310"] 2014 Smartphone trends study from the Pew Research Center[/caption] I own a smartphone.  You probably own a smartphone.  Almost everyone I know (except for that one guy who is permanently stuck in the middle ages) owns a smartphone. In fact, as of April 2015, the Pew Research Center reported that two-thirds of Americans own a smartphone. According to a 2012 poll conducted by the analytics and business consulting company Gallup, 58% of adults between 18 and 29 self-reported feeling that they feel they are spending too much time using their smartphone or the internet.  So, while I’m older than the adults in this study (my age bracket reports 30% of us believe we are on our phones too often), I’m certainly not alone in wasting...

Resolve your past life: Fix your present

by Carlie Currier Do you believe we get more than one chance to get this human life right? Massage therapist, yoga instructor, Rosen method practitioner and artist, Kerstin Zettmar, explains that past life regression hypnosis is similar to regression therapy.  Instead of focusing on childhood memories, however, it goes much, much deeper. Vera Remes, owner of Raven Reiki and Mind Key member and writer, started her own practice in hypno-counseling 5 years ago. Past lives have been a significant part of that practice, and she has since become certified to guide clients in past life regression. She believes in the power of visiting past lives to help with issues in your current situations and describes past lives as a, “font of knowledge for inner growth”. New theories on time...

Rock Your Year with Taraleigh the manifesting unicorn

Taraleigh Weathers is a manifesting unicorn! I didn’t know what that meant, either, until I took her four week manifestation course.  Taraleigh speaks with authority and clarity, offering real-time, realistic tools for creating what you want in your life.  During her Manifesting Unicorns course, I watched the dreams of the course’s other participants unfold, and watched myself lay the groundwork for Mind Key’s next adventure.  Now Taraleigh is offering her next course, “Rock Your Year,” to help you attain all of your New Year’s dreams. Don’t have time for another “course?”  The best part about taking strides toward your goals is that the more you do, the more time seems to be available to do it.  That’s because the universe believes in you, and believes in your...

Morning meditation for those short on time

When I first heard about Jessica of Jahmu Chai’s tea meditations, I was stoked.  Making time for a cup of tea is about as close as I seem to get to meditating these days.  Apparently, I’m not the only one.  Jess has found a way to take this sacred time and turn it into an even more powerful ritual of intention and peace through the Tea Meditation Project.  Below, she explains how it works, and offers a tea meditation that you can start with right now. Our favorite way to practice these meditations are with Jessica's own Jahmu Chai. (I put mine in my coffee!) Get a 10% discount on your order of any Jahmu tea by using coupon code MINDKEY at checkout. [caption id="attachment_5274" align="alignleft" width="225"]...

Time heals all wounds? A romantic sentiment

Featured photo courtesy of Carlie Currier Article by Dr. Lisa Avila The idea that time heals all wounds is a lovely, almost romantic sentiment. The suggestion is that distance from the event, in the form of time, is all that is required to heal a broken heart or other form of betrayal. The reality is that I have not seen this to be the truth. Time and distance from a wound merely help take the sting out of it. The wound moves from acute, which can be thought of as a sharp pain, to chronic, which may be thought of as a dull throbbing pain. That is not healing anything. It is merely moving one's emotional pain from one category to another. If it never really resolves into a...


Living on Reiki Time – Nonlinear Time

It was Reiki that introduced me to the concept that time is not linear, or as I like to call it, Reiki time. I started to allow for the possibility that time is actually a continuum when I was introduced to the distance healing concept of Reiki Level Two.  I tell my clients that Reiki Healing knows no time, space or distance. The time continuum represents a continuous flow of energy. It contains all the events that have ever happened, are happening in this moment, or will ever happen. I fervently believe this concept, but really never expected that I would experience it physically.  Being spiritual, I am able to believe without physical proof. Little did I know I would actually experience nonlinear time during a healing with a...

Adara's Hands by Sean David Wright

Shifting the patterns of time–Look for the positives

Featured image: Adara's Hands by Sean David Wright Regularly taking time for yourself, even with something as simple as a cup of tea, invites time to be more friend than foe. by Barbara Steingas Time is man-made illusion. It is relative to how we perceive it. I’m sure we have all experienced when minutes seem like hours when we’re waiting for, or anticipating something. Conversely, we have also all had time fly by when we were having fun or when we are busy. It’s our perspective that determines if time feels like a friend or a foe. We have the ability to choose and control how we feel about the passing of time. When I cram too many things in a time frame, then I feel pressured and stressed....


January is Stress Reduction Month with Dr. Doni

  Happy New Year from Dr. Doni! First, let me wish you a happy and healthy 2017! I do hope you had a wonderful holiday season. I love the holidays. I love the cooking, the eating, giving presents and spending time with my loved ones. But I also know the holidays can be a STRESSFUL time for many. By the time the New Year rolls around, we might feel a bit drained once the excitement dies down: We may feel like we ate too much, drank too much, or just plain did too much. We may have eaten foods that increase leaky gut and throw of blood sugar levels. We may have stayed up late and slept less than usual. We may have loved seeing our friends and...

The helpfulness of lists in prioritization of goals

In an article for Psychology Today, Carrie Barron, MD, author of “The Creativity Cure: How to Build Happiness With Your Own Two Hands” writes that lists are a way to “coalesce and conquer” the plethora of choices in today’s culture.  She adds that lists benefit productivity as well as creativity by working through questions and confusions, to prioritize and streamline, to determine direction, create action and to organize to minimize inner chaos. [caption id="attachment_5222" align="alignright" width="300"] Lists can help you organize your thoughts[/caption] Ultimately, lists are a way to better understand ourselves and the work that we’re doing. They help us create action plans, organize our thoughts and ultimately, drive us toward our goals. I had the benefit of spending some time with the Belief Coach, Wendy Watson-Hallowell...


Plan to acheive your dreams this year

Below is an insightful post written for Mind Key last year by Tara Ann Lesko.  Even though the post talks about 2015, this New Year is no different (and DragonTree is offering a new version for 2017).  While many people use the New Year to create resolutions, we prefer to create goals and to make plans.  Just changing the terms we use make our thoughts more concrete.  Use your time wisely this new year and check this planner out! *************************** 2015 went by in a blur, as years often do when you are 30 or 40 plus. We are all familiar with the clichéd New Year's resolutions made in late December while we're entwined in tinsel and credit card debt. You know the type; lose weight, save...

January’s Issue: Time – How do you view it?

[caption id="attachment_5204" align="aligncenter" width="300"] Time is a clock in the sand begging to be overlooked - It's only a "thing" if we make it one.[/caption] We depend on time for everything. We are so conditioned to run on or by it, that there's a sense of jealousy or confusion for those who don't know or care. But what is time? We as a society measure it in linear terms. We adhere to this linear definition so tightly that we find it difficult to even be open to a different interpretation. How do we find the time to do all that we hope? Can we manifest more, or bend it? What does it mean to "spend our time wisely” and why is it so important to "stop to...

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