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April 2016

Mind KEY / 2016 / April

Connecting the Dots – Finding your Medicine

This month our bloggers wrote about "Finding Your Medicine" -- and the many different types of medicine available, and how they each connect physically, spiritually and emotionally. Danielle kicked off the month by talking about what it means to Find your Medicine. From there Vera talked about how Shamanic Extraction Healing can release and remove negative energy, and how we all have the keys to bring our physical, spiritual and emotional/mental aspects into balance in When you have the right pieces you can heal yourself. During Spirituality week, Tara discussed how Finding Green Tara, and her own spiritual path, became her medicine, while Kathleen talks about love as medicine in her meditation from Thoughts to Awaken the Spirit, and Danielle shared a snapshot of a simple moving meditation...

Personal medicines change over time

Dogs are awesome My husband saw a meme on Facebook recently.  I couldn't find it to post here, but it said that "Cyclists are the only people who understand why dogs stick their heads out windows of cars".  I don't know if I agree that we're the ONLY people who understand this phenomenon, but we certainly do understand it. I realize that technically, while riding, I actually feel very little "wind in my hair" since I have it in a pony tail and stuffed under a helmet, but the meme is still true.  I love to feel the air on my face, the speed of it, the smells that go by so quickly that I'd call them fleeting.  I love to feel the power of the bike...

Writing as medicine

For many years I struggled with endocrine and hormone imbalances. The process by which I found healing included a long path of different modalities… modalities which eventually became the beginning of The Mind Key Project almost six years ago. The most powerful modality, however, has been writing. Writing, in fact, is how the Mind Key Project began.  Perhaps writing has helped because it provided emotional perspective, processing and release.  But there's more to it than that.  Writing has also offered a real, physical healing as well. The body is an amazing machine.  From the moment of conception, it is creating, maintaining, regulating and regenerating.  Mind Key began under the premise that the body contains all the answers an individual needs to attain perfect health. The question is how...


An Open Letter to Wheat and Dairy

Sometimes finding your medicine means discovering what doesn't work.  That discovery (and then the process of avoiding that which isn't working for you) can be infinitely more difficult than discovering what does. TaraLeigh There's a connection between everything; what you eat and how you feel physically, emotionally and spiritually.  Friend of Mind Key, TaraLeigh Weathers, posted a spectacular open letter that we want to share with you! Dear my Beloved Dairy and Wheat, I loved you from the moment I met you. I thought you loved me too, but the way you treat me is no way to treat someone you love. Throughout the years you’ve hurt me over and over again. When I was a child you gave me hives, stomach issues, seasonal allergies and chronic sinus infections....


The Subtleties of Listening

Listening is quite an art form when practiced properly. By "properly", I mean in such a way where one hears all of what is being expressed, between the lines of what is directly communicated and what is not. While in my office with those I care for, listening becomes a wonderful dance of both active and passive participation. I listen to what is being said, as well as to what is not said, what is being communicated through the quieter aspects of facial expression and diagnosis, tone of voice and choice of words, posture and body language. I listen to my intuition as well, because sometimes I clearly understand that there is more to know than what is being said. When this understanding occurs, it's time...

Natural Medicine – A short story

She ran from the house, her skin cold against the balmy summer air. It could have been late afternoon, the full weight of sun and humidity pressing down against her, and it wouldn’t have mattered.  Nothing could warm her now. Her hurried steps brought her to the small patch of woods not far from the apartment. Gnarled limbs, heavy with Spanish Moss, provided sanctuary as she wove her way around the trees. Most of her friends were leery of this place, leery of the creatures that called this swampy spot home. She was far more concerned with the human creatures she left behind her, specifically the so-called friend that climbed on top of her while she was passed out. She woke up to find his hands...


Profiles for Success – Marisa Goudy

Marisa Goudy is a writer who helps emerging thought leaders tell stories that matter. Through coaching and online courses, she empowers therapists, healers, and other creative entrepreneurs to write content that connects. In 2016, Marisa is showing her audience that it's possible to easily and confidently create online content with her #365StrongStories project (discover the stories by searching the hashtag or following Marisa). Marisa says that she was born a writer who lost track of that for many years thanks to a graduate degree in Irish lit and a career in academic library administration. As it is for many folks, a shocking and unexpected life event propelled her to make a change. Marisa's book. Grab your free copy HERE "Though I’d always suspected there was something to...

Yoga as a creative endeavor

We've all seen the pictures of the un-doable poses.  The poses where the person looks like a freshly baked pretzel, all malleable and stuff.  The folks who are flexible beyond normal person flexibility. Pose I can't do Suffice it to say, that's not me. I have some physical limitations.  My left hip flexor doesn't open and I have some chronic pain.  I work on it, but there's only so much I can do.  Yet, I do yoga. Another pose I can't do Why, you may ask?  Because I love it.  Because yoga helps my creative juices.  I'm not talking Wii fit yoga poses on the balance board that I do in my bedroom as the Wii trainer lady counts for me. I'm talking about an actual yoga class in a...

Meditations from the Other SIde

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Even though it is the most simplest of things to do To just love seems to be the hardest If we can spend our time only loving And nothing else All of our problems would disappear To just stop and feel love And the light within you You will see and feel How it changes your world ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Thoughts to Awaken the Spirit Kathleen Santora teaches meditations and self-healing through the understanding of one’s own personal energy. A spiritual healer for the past 30 years, Kathleen began trance healing later when she became aware that angels were working with her during healings. She has since learned to step back and allow her angels to come forward and work through her. ...

Meditation made easy

Sometimes meditation is hard, but this little moving meditation is so simple that I've taught it to my girls who are 4 and 7. It's something I hope that we can all come back to when life seems overwhelming. It's a great way to recenter, and focus.  It's a way to find your spirituality, and to meditate without struggling to remove your thoughts from your mind.  The simple act of walking slowly while bringing your hands to your heart or your face allows you to feel your thoughts without judgement. Even if you only have a few moments, check out the beginning of the video to get the gist of it.  Listening further will take you deeper into how this helps quiet the mind and bring peace...

Finding Tara

I was never a, “If you can’t see it, it isn’t there,” kind of person, but I wasn’t a dandelions-in-my-hair, tie-dyed spirit guide either. As previously mentioned in other blogs, I became jaded in regard to anything metaphysical after my husband of seven years dumped me for a fantasy - a pretty, blonde self-proclaimed medium who sold crystal skulls, bought married men element pendants, and met them for lunches at quaint New England bistros. Granted, no resemblance, still one of my girls   After my divorce, I worked my ass off and rarely slept in order to regain my independence. In two years I became self-sufficient, living in my own apartment, working two successful teaching jobs, and maintaining a healthy relationship. Still, something was amiss. Confidence, peace of...

When you have the right pieces, you can heal yourself

              Whatever created us – some call it God, some call it universal creative energy – either way we are pretty miraculous beings and I believe we were created to be basically healthy in mind, emotions, body and spirit. However, our human experience gets us off track and misshapes us. Then we start believing the illusions that we are flawed, not worthy or deserving, etc. to have health, happiness, joy, love and prosperous to name a few things. Maybe we allow ourselves success in one area, but usually never all of them. To quote a Seinfeld episode, we don’t think we can have the this, the that and the other.                 However, if we choose to do so, we have the opportunity...


What is medicine, really?

I was up to my elbows in dirty water, dingy sponge in hand. I'd been at it two days and the empty apartment was still only half cleaned—my apartment—my new life in a new town, a new state.  And I was alone. The sun was setting on a Wednesday night.  I'd had no dinner, I had no furniture, no friends, no bed other than a half-deflated air mattress.  My kids were three states away and my marriage in shambles. My entire life was crumbling around me. If not for an album I'd already over-listened to a god-zillion times, I might have gone completely over the edge.  But there was comfort in Nahko's words, words that offered hope… the hope I'd come to this new place to find. Still,...


Have you ever had an Extraction Healing?

As the founder of and practitioner with Raven Reiki, Vera Remes offers Usui Reiki with nuances of Shamanism and psychic intuition.  She also offers Shaman Oracle and Angel Card readings and is a certified H3 Energy Healing Therapist.  Vera's column (Vera's Rave'n) will focus on the many aspects of Shamanism.   *************************** Extraction Healing, always trying to learn something new to help my clients.  As you know, I am attracted to the Shamanic way of life. The concept of getting rid of stuff that's weighing me down is appealing. So when a “soul extraction healing” workshop was to be given by Michael Harner’s Institute for Shamanic Studies, I jumped at the chance to really learn about this fascinating concept.  I have taken internet courses that touched upon this subject but...

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