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The magic of spring today

Mind KEY / Lifestyle  / The magic of spring today

The magic of spring today

Merry Beltane!
Today is May Day, or Beltane as some call it… an ancient festival celebrating the turn of seasons, life, warmth and fertility.  Whether you honor the ancient celebrations or not, it’s hard to deny the magic in the air come May.
  Halfway between the spring equinox and the summer solstice, Beltane represents things that are bursting into growth – the tiny seedlings are pushing out leaves, drinking in water and nutrients, and getting ready to flower.  Animals of all kinds are mating, the frogs’ chorus filling the evening air with their song, birds busily building nests, and insects filling their air with their humming buzz.  
What new signs of spring are cropping up by you?
Here on my mountain the dandelions are showing their furry heads and you can almost see the tiny pink teardrops on the bleeding hearts.   The hostas and daisies are almost too big to split.  We saw a butterfly the other day, and I swear I heard a humming bird whiz past my head while standing at my mother’s bird feeders. A few evenings ago a huge bear lumbered through the yard.  Spring is most certainly here.
In life, things are bursting as well.  I’m looking forward to planning some hikes, a weekly yoga/meditation class, and starting up a faerie retreat for late spring.  Perhaps most exciting of all is the budding friendship between Mind Key and Growing With the Seasons.  Much to say about that soon, but for now please stop by their website and check out the offerings at their location in Boonton, NJ.
The weather is a beautiful expression of the season today – at least in North Jersey.  The foggy, rainy morning gave way to exorbitant sunshine and warmth this afternoon.  I spent some of my day in the garden, swinging with my girls, and just enjoying the beauty of the day.  
What a great day to light a bonfire, dance with the elementals, plant, make love, and… be outside!  What are you doing to celebrate spring today?

Danielle Rose
Founder, Mind Key

I help people follow their dreams! As the founder, CEO and Editor-in-Chief at Mind Key, Danielle has the skills and abilities to help you grow in your chosen career, or to launch the business of your dreams to the next level.

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