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Finding Balance

Mind KEY / Creativity  / Finding Balance

Finding Balance

Medussa’s Myths Medallion

Rebecca Godina, storyteller and writer, comes to Mind Key from the great state of Washington.  Rebecca will share her unique take on life and allow us to join her on her fantastic journey through the many fictions (some factual!) of life.

Many of us have this elusive goal of “finding balance” in our lives, but do we really know what that means? My job once held a seminar on balancing work and home life, but honestly it felt more like a juggling lesson than a lesson in balance. At least in Western culture, we are expected to busy ourselves with many different things, to the point that we think balance means being able to keep up with them all.

I don’t think that’s true. At least, I reject that concept of balance. For my idea of balance, first you have to find your balancing point. And here’s something that I seriously doubt would ever be found in a corporate sponsored seminar – everyone’s balancing point is different.


So how do you find your personal balancing point? It’s not by allotting X amount of time to activity A, thank you very much corporate seminar. You find it by exploring your own mind. How do you feel when you do this activity? Is this something you have to do, something you don’t mind doing, or is it something you live to do? What rewards do you reap from it? You better believe I’m not talking monetary rewards. 
Look, I’m not saying that you should disregard the things you dislike. You still have to do dishes, but if you hate it with a passion, maybe finding balance for you is figuring out a way to cook where you use fewer dishes. That’s a superficial example, but hopefully you get the point. Ultimately, the idea I’m trying to convey here is this- you only begin finding your balance when you start listening, truly listening, to yourself. 
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